December 22

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Annabeth didn't know what had gotten into her, but before she knew it she was already dialing Piper's number. They had broken up a few months ago, but Annabeth still hadn't told her family, who very much approved of Piper. The topic of the breakup never really came up in any conversation, which was Annabeth's excuse for not telling them. But now, the Chase household was hosting their annual Christmas gathering, where friends and family all are invited— meaning Piper was expected to come. Annabeth didn't know why she couldn't just show up without Piper. Why she couldn't just say they had broken up. But it was already too late when she heard a familiar voice answer the phone.

"Annabeth?" The voice asked. God, she missed that voice. The breakup was mutual, they both thought it was best. They had an argument. The day Annabeth met Leo she couldn't wait for him to leave. He was obnoxious and made jokes about anything and everything, which was something Annabeth couldn't handle. Piper didn't like this.

"I'm just asking you to admit that you're wrong, Annabeth!"

"But I'm not! I know I'm not wrong, so why should I say it?"

"Because it was a shitty thing to do? Because if you had any amount of decency you'd at least apologize?"

"Fine! I'm sorry."

"No. That's not how it works, Annabeth. You know that."

"I do."

"What's your big problem with Leo anyway?"

"He's a joke, Piper! He doesn't take anything seriously, so why should I take him seriously?"

"He's my friend, Annabeth."

"I don't see how you could be friends with him." Piper just glared at her. "Fine, he's smart. Good for him. That doesn't change the fact that he still acts like a child."

"You can at least respect him."

"I don't see how anyone can respect him."

"Best friend. He's my best friend and has been since we were kids. I don't see why you can't just work things out with him. If you would just talk to him-"

"Not everything can be worked out through words, believe it or not."

"You're only saying that because you like to jump to conclusions without any other information."

"That's not true-"

"Yes it is. If you knew Leo then you'd know why I care about him so much."

"I just don't think-"

"Don't even, Annabeth. Leo is a part of my life whether you like it or not, he's been a part of my life much longer than you have, anyway." Annabeth's heart seemed to stop.

"No..." Annabeth could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. "Piper please, I'm sorry I swear-"

"I'm done, Annabeth. I'm sorry, but I'm done." Piper stormed out the door.

Okay so it wasn't a mutual breakup. Piper broke up with her. She hated that. She also hated that she was definitely in the wrong. But it was too late for any of that.

"Yeah... hi." She finally responded. "Um... so my family is having their Christmas party thing, and I..." She didn't know how to ask. 'Hey, can you pretend to still be my girlfriend because I haven't told my family we've broken up?' didn't sound like the best thing to say. "... I was wondering if you could go... with me..." Annabeth could almost see the smirk through the phone. She hated that smirk. She loved that smirk.

"Have you not told anyone we broke up?" Annabeth stuttered over her words.

"Listen, I know it's been a while since we... yeah, but the topic never really came up, so..."

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