December 23

63 3 0

Annabeth turned her back to Piper to let her change. Once she had finished changing, she joined Annabeth in bed and laid down facing her. "Well. Day one is over." Piper smiled.

"Yeah... Thank you for doing this for me." Piper winked at her and Annabeth's heart just melted.

"I'd do anything for you, Annie." Annabeth held her breath, although she didn't know exactly why. Maybe it would've stopped all the emotions that were flooding in. She bit her lip, a blush forming on her face, before answering.

"You don't have to do that..."

"But I will. You're still my friend in the end, right?" Annabeth let out the breath through her nose. Her chest felt heavy.

"Of course." She never wanted to be friends with Piper. It was always more than that. She wanted to be more than friends. It was always that way with her. She just loved everything about Piper. Her eyes, god, her eyes. They were a beautiful warm brown that looked like melted gold in the sunlight. It would almost be as if they were changing colors completely. Her hair was always so soft. It was short and choppy since Piper cut it herself because, 'I don't trust other people with my head and a sharp object.' Her hair just shaped her face more, which only added to her beauty. And god, her smile. It could warm an entire room. Whenever she talked about something she loved she just smiled like that, with passion and warmth and love.

Annabeth wouldn't be surprised if Piper had turned out to be Aphrodite herself. Piper had a sense of humor that matched Annabeth. She felt like home. Annabeth was always comfortable around her, like nothing else mattered except the girl next to her. Piper cared about her like no one else did. She didn't deserve someone like that.

"You good, Annie?" Piper asked. She realized she had stared off, her thoughts getting the best of her.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine." She could see the look of guilt on Piper's face. She knew she felt like she was the cause of Annabeth's emotions. Annabeth knew her well enough to read her like that. "Don't worry about it. It's a me problem."

"It's not just a you problem, though. I'm a part of it too. It's a you problem that I'm unwillingly involved in." She whined. Annabeth laughed softly.

"I can handle it." Piper gave her an unconvinced look, but said nothing. Annabeth rolled over to face the ceiling, Piper still staring at her. "Have I ever apologized for it?"

"For what?"

"You know... our fight. I was definitely wrong, but I was too proud of myself to admit anything. Especially after everything I said. I was in too deep to go back."

"You know, come to think of it, no you haven't. An apology for something you were definitely wrong about is overdue." Annabeth could hear the tease in her voice and kicked her. She laughed, which made Annabeth laugh with her. Her laugh? Could cure any disease. Perfection at its finest right there. Annabeth wanted to make jokes all day just to hear her laugh.

"Well, I'm sorry. I've got this constant need to change everything... and I guess that involves my partner's friends. I've been working on that, though." She could basically feel Piper smile. She felt comfortable again. At ease. At home. Of course she was at home, but Piper was more like... a mobile home.

"That's good." Was all Piper said before she hugged Annabeth's arm and laid her head next to neck. Annabeth's heart pounded harder than before, but in a good way.

"Yeah. It's good." Maybe there was still hope.

"I forgive you, by the way. I think." Piper said sleepily. Annabeth smiled. Then, without thinking, she said what had been on her mind every day since they had broken up.

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