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  • Dedicated to everyone that has ever support this story


Leslie Buffay.” A round of applauses (and the occasional whistle) erupted from the crowd as the principal mentioned yet another name from a graduated student. A clumsy looking girl with big glasses and a huge grin plastered on her face, stood up and headed to the stage to get her diploma.

Meanwhile, Holy could not stay still on her place. To say she was nervous would be an understatement. She was biting her nails, a habit she though was long forgotten but came to torture her whenever she couldn’t stay calm.

”Hey, everything is going to be alright. Don’t freak out over this, they are going to be on time.” Nora was trying to keep her from losing the last bit of courage that was left on her to speak in front over a thousand people. But Holy wasn’t thinking straight.

Hugo Castillo.

”I’m ok. I don’t care if Matt isn’t on time to hear some stupid speech that I’m probably going to forget anyways and start muttering incoherent words. I also don’t fucking care if he isn’t on time to get his damn diploma or if he gets here three hours after everything has finished.” She looked over the stage and saw how the vice captain of the football team patted the principal on the back and then gave him a high five.

Lila Clarke.

“I’m fucking ok, Nora.” The words dropped out of her mouth bitterly and Nora couldn’t stand seeing her friend like that. She made a mental note to personally kill Gary and Matt for making Holy a mess on such an important day.

Holy’s phone buzzed on her pocket but she couldn’t bring herself to do anything about it. Because if it was Matt she’d probably start yelling at him and if it wasn’t, she’d star yelling at whoever it was about how much of a jerk her best friend was.

Nora looked around to spot Ann somewhere in the sea of guests that were behind her. She couldn’t, but trying was never a bad thing.

Rebecca Clayton.

The more the principal was approaching to Matthew Montgomery, the more Holy was thinking they were not going to make it. She tried to close her eyes and breathe slowly to make her nerves go away but it didn’t work. The only thing that was somehow reassuring was the fact that Monica was somewhere in the crowd. Unlike other people that sucked at being on time for anything.

She remembered that one day, two months ago, when they made reservations for that fancy restaurant on her birthday. Everything was going well, everyone was ready to go. But dear young Matt wasn’t anywhere. Gary had been all day with Nora so he had no clue where he was or what he was doing. Holy was beyond pissed.

After two hours of sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing besides trying to calm Holy down, he came. He was soaked from head to toes and dripping water with a huge bouquet of roses in his hand and wearing a black suit. He was smiling from ear to ear and that only made Holy even angrier.

They left him in the house and went to the restaurant without him.

(Of course he later apologized for making them wait (and did a very long explanation) and Holy apologized for being a bitch and leaving him when he tried everything he could to be on time)

Milo Collins.

”I hate him.” Holy said and Nora just stared at her expectantly because she just knew she was going to say something else. “I hate him because it doesn’t matter how many times he’s done this, all it takes is one smile from him and I’ll forgive him.” She didn’t even sound angry anymore. Nervous, hell yes, but not angry. She accepted the fact that this was happening and she could do nothing but deal with it and move on.

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