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You were dating your captain. Captain Levi to be precise. You knew this was against the rules whilst being in his squad, but neither of you could help the feelings that quickly arose from your time together.

From the long nights in his office, helping with paperwork; to the one on one training sessions with him. Those evolved into late night talks on the roof of the building and strolls around town together.

Of course you kept it friendly and professional in public, but it was completely different behind closed doors.

As much of him being a clean freak who can barely show his emotions, all his walls broke down for you.

He was a total puppy to you. Begging to be close to you and in your presence.

Seeing humanities strongest soldier be putty in your hands was surprising to say the least. Those strong, powerful muscles came to use when he would work the knots out of your back from a long day of training. Not to mention the other private acts his muscles were useful for.

It wasn't a one sided thing, though. You were as equally obsessed with him as he was with you.

It all had to be kept as a secret though. He was your section commander. If your fellow soldiers found out about you two, people would think that you were getting special treatment or something.

Although, with it being a secret, you had to hear the other girls talk about wanting to jump his bones everyday. It wasn't a secret that his physique was gorgeous and everything about him was perfect. Your mouth almost watered at the sight at times.

One day, you were invited to eat dinner with some of the other women in the corps. You accepted and sat with them at the restaurant.

As you all ate, they did the usual gossip that you tended to tone out... until you heard a name that caught your attention.

"Yeah so Levi was with me all night!" One of your 'comrades' dragged on.

Hearing them talk about him and the things he "did" with her made you sick. Not because it was true, but because he was in your bed comforting you through a panic attack all night. Neither of you had gotten hardly any sleep and were with each other the whole time.

She was lying.

Lying about your fiancé.

You had finally had enough and slammed your fists down on the table and stood up.

Your chair screeched as you pushed it back with the force of standing.

Everyone stared at you, but you couldn't help it. You were fuming. Every lie she spoke about your fiancé made your blood boil until steam was nearly coming out of your ears.

"You lying little-"

"Woah- woah..." You heard from behind. It was him.. his voice rung in your ears as his hands were placed on your body. One on your shoulder and the other on your waist.

It seemed fairly friendly to the common eye, but in honesty, his touch seemed to be the only thing that could calm you down.

Everyone's faces were full of shock, as the man they were drooling over and saying what they'd do to him if they had the chance, was standing before them.

You didn't know why, or how Levi was here in the right place/ right time.. but if you had to guess, it would be because of the bond you two shared.

Soon after meeting, you both could sense how the other was feeling. Even to the point of having strong pulls to each other. Neither of you knew what it was for or why it was happening, but you trusted that it was fate.

He was coming to get lunch by himself and could feel tension boiling and the pull to the restaurant, and knew he needed to check on it.

"Let's get you back to the office, Mrs. L/n." He said, trying his best to not sound concerned or worried.

Your hands shook with fury, but you nodded and let him lead you with a hand on your back out of the restaurant.

He quickly brought you to an alley and looked at toy with concern lacing his features.

"Darling..what happened?" He questioned as he placed a strand of your hair behind your ear.

You sighed and just hugged him, needing his touch to soothe your emotions and calm them.

He immediately understood that you needed to calm before explaining and embraced you. One of his hands wrapped around your back, pulling you to him. The other hand ran through your hair as he kissed your shoulder.

Once you had calmed down, you told him everything- well aside from all the gross details they decided to make up about what they did with him and wanted to do with him.

His expression turned into a small smirk as he glanced upon you. Then a chuckle tumbled from his lips, as you looked at him with confusion.

"What's so funny?" You quipped while crossing your arms.

"You're adorable when your jealous." He replied with a small smile.

A blush immediately covered your cheeks as you glanced at the ground.

He tilted your head up before adding, "Darling, i'm yours and only yours. There will never be another who could capture my heart like you do. You've become the air I breathe. My absolute reason for getting up. When I roll over and see your cute sleeping face in the morning, all I can do is smile..."

A smile broke across your features. He was everything you've ever wanted and more.

"How about tomorrow, we tell everyone that we're together?" He asked while rubbing circles with his thumb on your cheek.

"But.. they'll kick me from your section." You replied with a small frown.

"I may have already mentioned it to Erwin and she said that you could be the Vice captain of my section." He whispered with a grin.

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You hugged him tight as he laughed and slightly swung you around.


The next day, you both walked into the training grounds with your hand in his. Heads turned at seeing you two together with bright smiles. Once you got to the field that you both now ran together, you brought him in for a kiss in front of everyone before he spoke.

"I would like for you all to meet the new vice captain of this section, my fiancé."

Levi Ackerman Imagines Where stories live. Discover now