The Gender Reveal

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Narrator's POV:

I was abt to be 20 weeks pregnant, and Eddie and I decided to do a gender reveal.

"Eddie, will you go get the stuff for the party? I'll cook the food." I asked. He nodded.

He left to go to the store to go get the stuff for the party. I called Gaege and told him about the party. I started cooking the food and started hanging some decorations that I had left over. My cat Lily decided to help me too.

"Lily, what are you doing silly girl?" I chuckled. She meowed, walking over to me, and rubbing her back on my leg. I smiled and petted her. I heard Eddie come back.

"What's up dawg!" He said. He hugged me.

"Did you get everything?" I asked. He nodded.

We both set up for the party. 10 minutes later, we finished setting up and got ready.

Eddie's POV:

It was now time for the party and the boys all arrived. We greeted them and ate some food.

"Hey Boys, what do y'all think the gender will be?" I asked them.

"I think it's gonna be a girl" Mully said.

"Probably a boy" Josh said.

"I honestly think it'll be a girl" Gaege said.

"I want a girl so bad I hope it's a girl" Eddie said. I smiled at him. He smiled back and me.

Few mins later:

"OKAY it's time for you guys to know what gender the baby is!" Narrator said. We all headed outside. Narrator and I both held one of the powder poppers.

"EVERYONE READY?" We both yelled. They all nodded.

"3! 2! 1!" Pink powder came out.

"ITS A GIRL!!!" I yelled.

Eddie jumped all over the place because it was a girl. He then ran up to me and hugged me. I then kissed him.

"LETS GOOOO I TOLD YOU IT WAS GONNA BE A GIRL!!!!" Gaege shouted. We all laughed.

We then had some drinks and the party was over. Everyone had left by then and Eddie and I both cleaned up.

"That was so much fun!!" I said.

"Yeah dawg" He said.

We got done cleaning up after the party. I started to get really tired.

"Im gonna go to sleep, Eddie. I'm really tired." I said.

"Goodnight love. I love you" He kissed me on the cheek and headed to bed. I then fell asleep.


Narrator x Eddie~ Always Together ❤️Where stories live. Discover now