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Narrator's POV:

It was the next day after having my sweet little adorable baby Rose. I decided to have the boys come over to see her.

"Hey babe, the boys are gonna come over soon to come see Rose. Do u think u can go make some breakfast for all of us before they arrive?" I asked. He yawned.

"Okay, I'll go get dressed and make breakfast for you while you are in bed." He said.

Eddie got dressed and went downstairs to go make breakfast. I got up out of bed to go check on Rose. She was still asleep so I decided not to wake her up. I went downstairs and saw Eddie cooking me some breakfast.

"Thanks for the breakfast baby!" I said. He smiled.

"No problem hun!" He said.

We both then ate breakfast. I decided to go back upstairs to check on Rose. I saw her starting to wake up.

"Good morning my adorable Rose!" I said. She laughed.

I picked her up and held her in my arms while I went downstairs. I tickled her. She started laughing. I smiled. I brought Rose downstairs and went to the kitchen. I saw that Eddie made her a bottle already for her. I smiled.

"Thanks for her bottle." I said.

"No problem!" He said.

I grabbed the bottle and gave Rose her bottle. I smiled so hard at Rose because of how adorable she was. I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was the boys.
"The boys are here!" I said.

I gave Eddie the baby and opened the door.

"Hey guys! How are you doing?" I asked.

"We're pretty good! Where's the baby at? I wanna see her!" Gaege asked.

"Oh she's with Eddie! He's upstairs!" I said.

"BABE! The boys are here! Come downstairs with the baby!" I yelled to Eddie.

"Alright hun I'm coming!" He said.

Eddie's POV:

I was upstairs in Rose's room and put the most adorable clothes on her.

"Awwww Rose you look adorable!!" I smiled. She laughed.

I then heard Narrator talking to the boys.

"Ik they r gonna lose their shit when they see u my little cutie pa tooty" I said. She giggled.

Narrator's POV:

"Soooo how was it?" Mully asked.

"It was HELL. I was in labor for about probably 6-7 hours, but it hurt." I said. They all chuckled.

"Hey babe, can you go get the baby from upstairs and give her a binkie? She wants her binkie and I can't find it" Eddie asked.

"Sure i can. I'll brb" I said. He nodded and talked to the boys while I went to go get Rose.

Eddie's POV:

I talked to the boys for a little while until I saw Narrator with little Rosie. The boys died of cuteness when they saw her.

"Awww Narrator, she's so cute! What's her name?" Josh asked.

"Her name is Rose." I said. They all awe.

"Can I hold her?" Gaege asked. I nodded. I gave Gaege little Rosie to hold in his arms.

"She's so adorable. I love her so much!" Gaege said.

"She sure is an angel." Mully said.

"We can maybe go shopping tomorrow for some baby stuff!" Josh added. We all nodded.

They all got to hold the baby once except for Gaege. He didn't want to give the baby back to me, but I let him and Eddie plan that out. The others left except for Gaege. He decided to stay and help us with Rose.

"Thanks Gaege for staying with us. We really appreciate it!" Eddie said.

"No worries! Happy to help!" Gaege said. It was getting close to Rose's bedtime.

"Hey baby, can you go put Rose to bed?" I asked. He nodded and headed upstairs with Rose.

Me and Gaege continued to clean up and decided to head to bed. I went to Eddie and I's bedroom while Gaege stayed downstairs and fell asleep.


Narrator x Eddie~ Always Together ❤️Where stories live. Discover now