Rose's 1st Birthday pt 1

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Narrator's POV:

"today is Rose's 1st birthday! i gotta go wake eddie up!" i said to myself.

i ran upstairs to eddie and i's room. i walk up to him and start shaking him lightly.

"honeyyy wake uppp" i said. he groaned.

"i don't wanna wake up thoughhh" he said and turned to the other side.

"oh come on babe! it's Rose's 1st Birthday today!" i said. he jumped up.

"wait today's Rose's 1st birthday?! shit! i completely forgot about that!" he said and got out of bed.

he ran to Rose's room to go wake her up. i ran with him, following behind. we both walk into Rose's room and see that she is still asleep. eddie walks up to her crib.

"good morning Birthday Girl!" he says while picking her up. i smile at him.

"im so glad i have him" i thought to myself while smiling.

"im gonna go cook some breakfast for us. can you change Rose for me, babe?" i asked. he nodded. i thanked him and headed downstairs.

Eddie's POV:

as narrator headed downstairs, i got Rose up from her crib and put on some really cute clothes for her birthday today.

"awwww yr so cute, Rose! i still can't believe your already 1 years old today! narrator is gonna flip out when he sees our sweet little baby in her birthday clothes!" i said to Rose. she cooed.

i was dying of cuteness. i picked her up and brought her downstairs. narrator saw me and Rose come downstairs. he gasped loudly and put out his 'gimme hands' meaning he wanted to hold Rose.

"oh my god babe!! she looks adorable in her little birthday clothes!" he said.

i gave Rose to him and laughed when he threw her up in the air happily. i chuckled.

"ikrrrr! i had to put those on!" i said. narrator gave Rose back to me.

i sat down on the couch with her and watched tv while we both waited for narrator to be done with breakfast. she started clapping happily because her favourite show was on. i was almost crying bc of how adorable she was. i turn to look at narrator, smiling at Rose leaning on his hands.

Narrator's POV:

i notice eddie looking at me. i turn away in embarrassment and look back at the food. i started blushing really hard.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck" i think to myself.

eddie starts chuckling at him. i try to hide my face so that eddie wouldn't see it, but i failed.

"honey, ik yr blushing" he said smirking and chuckling.

"n-no i'm not!!" I said.

"sure you arenttttt" he laughed and turned back around to watch Rose watching her favorite show.

"hey babe, do u wanna invite the boys over for Rose's party?" i asked.

"of course i would! they all love Rose anyway lol" he said. i smiled happily.

i then got up and called the boys to let them know abt Rose's party today.

N: hey Boys!

All: hey dude!

N: soooo Rose is having her birthday party today bc it's her 1st birthday and i wanted to ask y'all if you guys wanted to come over to celebrate with us!

All: yeah ofc we'll come!

N: sweet! thanks guys! be here at 3:30PM

All: bye narrator!

they all then hung up.

Eddie's POV:

"babe, the boys are gonna be here at 3:30PM today for Rose's party!" he said. i got up and cheered happily.

"yay! that'll be fun!" i said.

He started decorating the house while i was gone. i had to go get the cake for Rose. few mins later, narrator finished decorating the house. i arrived back home and started getting everything ready. we finally finished 5 mins later. i heard a knock at the door. i go over to the door and see mully, josh and gaege.

"hey boys! glad y'all could make it!" i said. they smiled.

"well we couldn't miss our best friends daughters birthdayyy!" josh said. i smiled.

i bet they can't wait to see Rose in her little outfit. i let them in and told narrator to go get Rose from the couch.

Narrator's POV:

i grabbed Rose from the couch. i chuckled while imagining what the boys' reactions were gonna be whenever they saw Rose.

"close yr eyes boys i got a surpriseeeeee" i said smiling.

they all closed their eyes. i walked to them and stood in front of them.

"okay boys open yr eyes" i said.

they opened their eyes and gasped at how adorable Rose was in her little birthday outfit.


josh looked at mully and agreed with what he said. i chuckled.

"eddie was the one who chose her birthday outfit so u should rlly say he did an amazing job with her outfit" i said.

they all said he did an amazing job. he thanked them.


A/N - hey yalllllll sorry i havent been posting recently ive been busy with vball and family and shit like that soooo yeah there will be a pt 2 for this chapter and i hope yall love it!

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