Chapter Three - Depart

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I was numb. Completely and utterly numb. How was I going to get out of this one? Why couldn’t the hat just put me in Gryffindor like the rest of my family? Why am I always the odd one out? Like jeez, cut me some slack!
I must have been sitting there for a bit because McGonagall cut off my train of thought.
“Randella? Your going to have to move for the other students please”. She said softly.
“P-pardon?” I asked.
She smiled at me. “Could you please remove yourself from the stool and make you way toward the Slytherin table for us?” She asked.
“Oh y-yeah…” I got up and walked towards the table on my far right.
I’m in Slytherin.
I’m in Slytherin.
Oh Merlin’s beard I’m in Slytherin! What is mum going to think? Oh no what is dad going to think?
I sat down next to a guy with black that looked to be in fifth year. He looked at me and smiled showing crooked teeth. “Weasley’s a bit out of place.”
From his appearance, my guess is this is Marcus Flint. Apparently he is a big pain in Percy’s behind. “Leave me alone.” I looked away from him.
The sorting went on for a few minutes after that. A girl with light blonde hair sat next to me with a smile on her face. “Hi I’m Daphne, Daphne Greengrass.” She said perkily.
I forced a smile. “Ella.” It’s not that I didn’t like Daphne, I was just still getting over the fact that I’m in the worst house in Hogwarts.
“That’s a pretty name! Oh, I can’t wait to get started here, my parents are going to be so happy I’m in Slytherin! I just can’t believe—“ I stopped listening after that, it was too much for my poor heart currently.
I was giving muffled ‘Uh-huh’s’ and ‘yeah’ every time she finished a sentence. I looked across the hall to see Ron looking at me. He looked upset, giving me a sympathic look. I thought he wanted me to be in a different house to him.
I looked away from him and looked at the people at my table. I was scanning over everyone until I met eyes with Draco. As soon as our eyes connected, he looked away.
“Let the feast, begin.” Commanded Dumbledore.
Food appeared in front of us. Being a Weasley, this usually would make me the happiest person alive. But I wasn’t hungry, I felt sick. I looked back at Ron. He had a bright smile on his face, eating pieces of chicken from both hands and chatting with everyone.
Fred and George were talking to Hermione, who also had a bright smile.
I sighed. Why me? Out of all the Weasleys why me? “Are you okay? You look like you’re gonna be sick.” Daphne pointed out.
I nodded.
------------15 minutes later------------
“Follow me Slytherin. Come on keep up.” Head boy of Slytherin annoyingly commanded.
We finally left the great hall and were headed down to the dungeons to the Slytherin common room. Of course it was in the dungeons.
 We stopped in front of  a stone wall, what I assumed was the common room entrance.
“Machiavellian.” The boy said the wall. Once said, the door opened.
When we walked inside, I took a good look at the place.
It was a large room with greenish lamps and chairs. It extended partway in what I think is the lake, giving the light in the room a green tinge. It has lots of low backed black and dark green button-tufted, leather sofas/lounges. I noticed a few skulls around the room, sitting on top of dark wood cupboards. I’ll admit it has quite a grand atmosphere, but it was also a cold one.
On various walls were pictures of famous medieval Slytherins.
“The password to the common room changes every fortnight, and it is posted on the noticeboard.” Said the annoyingly screechy voice. Head boy I presume.
When walking up to my dorm room, which I found out I was sharing with Daphne, Pansy Parkinson, Millecent Bulstrode and Tracey Davis. The seemed fine, but I still stayed by Daphne’s side for the remainder of the night.
When in my dorm room, I noticed Daphne and I were the first ones in there. So I ran to the bed in the far corner next to the window, which showed underwater of the lake. It was pretty clear and showed fish and seaweed. But what caught my attention was the Grindylows and sea serpents whom of which were freaking me out. There weren’t many of them but it still gave me shivers.
I turned on the lamp next to my bed and saw my new Slytherin uniform placed next to it on a stool.
The door to our dorm opened and 3 girls walked in, all helping each other in holding a large cage.
“Uh… hello.” Said Daphne, looking a bit confused.
On of the girls turned around and looked at us. “Yeah hi, which one of you is Randella?” she asked out of breath. “I’m Tracey, by the way.
“That would be me, and please call me Ella.” I replied.
All three girl rushed over to my side of the room and place the cage down next my bed.
“I believe this is yours.” Said another one of the girls. She shook my hand. “Millecent Bulstrode.”
“Damn that thing is heavy.” Said the final girl. Who I’m guessing is Pansy. “Pansy Parkinson.” She curtsied.
I smiled at the girl and finally looked in the cage. Seeing orangey-brown fur.
“Cato!” I squealed.
“Who?” Daphne asked.
“My pet, Cato.” I said happily.
I let him out of the cage and place out the dog bed I bought for him back at the store.
“I that a wolf?” Tracey asked.
“That’s definitely a wolf.” Millecent said nervously.
“We just carried a wolf.” Said Pansy. “How are you allowed to keep that.?”
I’m smiled and pet Cato. “I’m guessing it has something to do with the school knowing about my gift.” I said with a shrug.
“Gift?” Millecent asked.
And so I explained it to them. Told them how since I was young, I could communicate with wolves. And how sometimes it comes in handy. I also asked them to not tell anyone else, I didn’t want many people to know.
After a long chat and getting to know the girls, I started to feel more comfortable with being in Slytherin.
I also found out that Pansy had a huge crush on Draco. Ew. But I’ll accept it.
After the big D&M with my new friends, we decided that it was time for bed.
------------20 minutes later------------
When all the girls were asleep, I was still tossing and turning. So I decided to get up. When I did Cato woke up next to me, lifted his head and licked my toes. Gross Cato. I spoke in his head. He wagged his tail.
I went out into the common room and sat in front of the fire. I was lost in thought about what mum and dad might say about me being in Slytherin. Then I heard a bang behind me.
I whipped my head around quickly to see what caused the sound.
And there, 10 metres away from me catching the skull that he just knocked off the cupboard …..
…… Was Draco.

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