Chapter Thirty-Seven - Irreplaceable

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  [Draco's POV]

Once Ella left I felt like the tension in the atmosphere had left and I could finally breathe.

It was like my best friend was gone completely, and I didn't know how to get her back. I felt like I tried everything. But my Ella was gone. The funny, exciting, 'Weasley' known as my best friend had vanished and was masked by this cold, sarcastic 'Death-Eater'.

I missed her so much.

Throughout our friendship, she changed my perspective on trust and alliance. And I thought reminding her of who she really was might bring her back. But whatever went through her mind the night in the cell made her crack and give in to the darkness eating her. I don't know how to bring her back.
But I wasn't going to give up. Because if the situation was reversed...

...She wouldn't give up on me.

[Third POV]

When Ella entered Hogwarts with Fillin by her side, she was determined.
Tonight was the night Harry would be challenged by the dark lord, and Randella had a plan brewing.

When entering the castle, she was respectfully greeted by various Death-Eaters working in the building. The conscience of a younger Ella was restless. And somehow Randella couldn't seem to settle or control it tonight.
This made her more set on her plan.

Once Ella had reached Snape in the great hall, she bowed her head in respect and her returned the gesture.

"I heard the news. I was sent here by Voldy himself to help prepare for an appearance by the boy." Randella spoke with a slight smirk upon her face.

Snape began fiddling with his sleeves. "Funny, how you call him a boy when you are of the same age, Randella." He raised his head and gave her a pointed look. "Didn't that long ago that you waltzed into my classroom late, on your first day with a terrified look on your face."

Randella chuckled. "And look at me now. I must be doing well considering I rose to be in as much power as you are in a span of six years."

"You must."

Randella started circling her old professor. "So tell me, headmaster, what is your next plan of action? Call all the students down to the hall and interrogate them till one of them blurts out Potter's whereabouts?"

"As a matter of fact, my dear Randella, it is my intention to do so." Snape spoke without a hint of humour in his voice.

Randella rolled her eyes and look out one of the hall's windows. "Of course it is." She turned to Snape. "And what will you do if none of them own up?"

"It will not come to that."

"How are you so sure?" When Snape didn't respond, Randella continued. "Well it doesn't matter anyway, because I have come up with a plan myself, to bring Harry to the castle."

Once all the students had marched to the great hall, Randella looked out for her younger sister. She had not seen her for two thirds of a year. Once she had finally spotted her, she noticed her sibling's blue eyes were already on hers. Randella could tell Ginny was shocked, but angry at the same time.

She always admired her sister's courage. Athough half the time it was stupidity.

"Many of yo are wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." Snape begun. "It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmead."

This whispering had begun. "Now. Should anyone, student or staff attempt to aid Mr Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression." Randella rolled her eyes for the second time that night. Geez, he was dramatic. "Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty."

Snape started walking forward. "Now then, if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movements this evening I invite them to step forward... Now."

Randella smirked when no one stepped forward. Oh how she knew she would prove Snape wrong.
But before Randella could laugh at Snape's failure to find Harry, someone stepped out of the Gryffindor crowd.

Randella forced herself to hide back shock when she noticed it was Harry Potter himself.

"It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem Headmaster." Harry spoke with a bitter tongue. Behind Harry was a small army. Randella threw her head back in annoyance. Of course it was Dumbledore's army. Both the old and the new. Even Daphne stood by their side."I'm afraid it's quite extensive."
Ella looked among the small army and notice both her parents looking at her with disbelief.

"I worry that Voldemort keeps giving you more power than you can handle, Severus." She said with a hint of displeasure in her tone.

Harry ignored Randella's comment and continued. "How dare you stand where he stood." He said with disgust. "Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man that trusted you, and killed him!"

Snape drew his wand, thinking he could gain an advantage in the situation, but McGonagall was more than ready, and drew her own wand. Standing infront of Harry in protection.

Randella moved out the way in irritation. Snape can deal with his own problems, She wasn't going to bother helping him.
The Carrows stood behind Snape, wands raised. Just as Dumbledore's army stood behind Harry.

McGonagall made the first move. Throwing fire at Snape as he blocked all the spells. This went on and Snape couldn't seem to get a single defence spell in-between. Standing in the way, the Carrows were knocked unconscious.
Eventually, Snape couldn't block anymore. In a rush, he flicked his robe and turned to black mist and flew out the window, smashing it in the process and cowered away.

As she expected, all wands then pointed at Randella. But she just laughed. "Not a smart move." Fillin and two other wolves from Ella's back ran threw the door and growled at the army. Causing them to back away from the door.

Molly Weasley looked at who was once her daughter. "Ella, what has happened to you?" She asked distraught.

Randella cocked her head to the side and smiled. "Oh, mother. Don't you see? I grew up." She levelled her head again. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Ha!" Ron interrupted. "Ella? Grow up? That was never her intention."

"But it happened anyway." Randella responded. "Sorry."

Ron shook his head. "No it didn't. You're not Ella."

Randella walked forward. "Don't get smart, brother." She stopped infront of him. "It seems you forget who is at advantage here." She looked at the entrance doors. And just as she did, Fenrir marched in with Sirius being dragged by the arm.

"No!" Harry yelled running forward but was stopped by Fillin. He looked at Ella. "Let him Go!" He yelled.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You have to learn your lesson." She spoke calmly and moved out of the way so Fenrir could move Sirius to the front of the room.

"Sirius!" Harry yelled but was growled at by Fillin.

Sirius looked at Harry through his swollen eye caused from months of torture. "It's fine Harry."

Harry stared at his last living family member helplessly, but eventually nodded. Randella stood infront of the group. "Hand over your wands, or watch him die." She spoke mercilessly. Any form of amusement in her voice had vanished.

"Don't." Sirius told them.

Ella didn't say anything and continued to stare down the army. When no one budged, Ella sighed and turned to Fenrir. "Kill him."

Fenrir raised his wand. "NO!" Harry yelled.


"Stupify!" Seamus yelled. Knocking the wand from Fenrir's hand. Daphne stood by his side.

While the wolves were distracted, Hermione knocked them unconscious. Ron followed Hermione's actions and repeated the action on Fenrir.

Randella was the only one standing.

"Give up Ella. You've got no one here on your side." Said Harry.

"That's where you're wrong Mr Potter." Ella spoke calmly. Then she transformed into her large, black and white wolf and growled. When no one did anything, she turned into the black death eater mist and exited the castle through the doors.

Because no one wanted to hurt their formal friend, no one stopped her as she left the Castle.
Even though they allowed her recent escape, they knew that tonight, everyone was in danger.

Tonight... a battle would begin.  

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