Chapter 5

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We walk to the convenience store in silence for the first couple of minutes. I laugh a bit silently to myself. "What's so funny?" Jisung asks confused.

"It's just that you're so quiet right now, but in school you're the complete opposite. Like you're always flirting with someone or something." I say.

"What? You want me to flirt with you?" Jisung asks smirking. I scoffed. "Aish that's not what I meant you idiot." I say annoyed.

"Then?" He asks. "I was just saying how different you're acting right now compared to school, that's all." I say. "Ahh ok." He says.

"Here's the store." He says. I look up and see the small convenience store. We walk around and we look for stuff we may want. I walked into the aisle with the chips.

But when I touched a pack of chips, someone had touched them at the same time as I did. I look up to see a older man. He looked like he was in his mid forties at least. "Oh sorry, you can take them." I say apologizing.

He smiled at me. "No it's okay I'll take another pack." He says extending his arm with the chips in his hand. I give a slight smile back.

I grab the chips but as I grab them, his hands slightly brush mine. It seemed like it was on purpose, but I brushed it off.

I walked into the next aisle, to get some candy. But the same man was there again. I decided not to think too much of it. So I start looking for some candy that I may want.

The man starts walking towards me. "What's your name?" He asks in a chilling tone. "Uh why?" I ask.

"You look very pretty so you must have a pretty name too." He says as he moves his hand to my arm.

I slowly back away. "Uh Sir can please leave me be?" I say slightly panicking. Damn it where's Jisung?

He starts walking towards with a creepy smile, you could see his yellowed crooked teeth.

While I was backing up I backed up into something hard. I turn around to see it was Jisung. "Hey leave us alone! Me and this pretty girl have some business between us." The man said.

"I think I should be involved since I'm her boyfriend." Jisung said. The man widened his eyes. "Oh um sorry didn't realize she was taken." The man stuttered and quickly left the store.

"Jisung why'd you have to say we were dating?!" I say annoyed. "Boyfriends are more scarier." He says. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay I got some chips let's go." I say. He nodded and we went to the cashier.

"I'll pay for my stuff." I say to Jisung. "No no let me pay for them." He says.

"It's just a pack of chips I can pay for them." I say. "Exactly which is why I should pay for them." He says.

"Are you guys gonna pay or...?" The cashier says awkwardly. Jisung quickly grabs the chips from my hands and gives it to the cashier. "Yes sorry here's our stuff." Jisung said apologizing to the cashier.

I glared at him and he just smiled back. "Alright here's your stuff." the cashier says while handing it to us in a plastic bag.

"Here's your chips." Jisung's says handing it to me. I take them and start eating them. And he starts eating his chocolate bar.

"Hey Y/n? I have a question." Jisung says. I look at him a bit a worried. "Yeah...?" I say.

"Uhm well I was wondering if you could be my fake girlfriend?" He asks. My eyes widened at his question.

"WHAT? Jisung are you crazy?! What makes you think I would say yes?!" I say shocked.

"Shush! It's 7:00 you can't be screaming right now!" Jisung says in a whisper yell. I rolled my eyes.

"Well to answer your question, Chaeri keeps bothering me and I'm getting sick of it now. So if you date me for a month or two she'll leave me alone." Jisung explains.

I raised my eyebrow. "I need a good reason why I should do this." I say.

"Uhh I'll buy you food while we date and after we're done-" he paused for a bit.

"I'll leave you alone, like I won't ask you out anymore." He said.

I thought about it for a bit. It did sound good, free food and he won't bother me anymore. "Okay I guess.." I said quietly.

His eyes widened in shock. "Wait really?!" He asks in shock. I nodded slowly. "Thank you so much!" He said.

"Yeah it's whatever. But don't be weird!" I said pointing to him.

"Yes yes of course." He said immediately. "Don't tell anyone it's fake not even your mom." He said sternly.

"I won't, but I'm telling Felix you can't change that." I said to him.

"Ok fine." He said. We reached my house. "Alright bye Jisung." I said to him.

"Bye love." He said winking. I cringed at that. "I said don't be weird!" I yelled. He laughed as he walked off.

I walked into my house, it was pitch black as expected. I walked up to my room and decided to FaceTime Felix.

"Hello?" He said when he picked up, he was laying in his bed. "Felixxxx I have to tell you something." I say.

"What." He said plainly. "Jisung asked me out." I say. "So? He asks you out all the time-" he paused and his eyes widened.

"Wait did you say yes?!" He asked shocked. "He asked me to be his fake girlfriend!" I say immediately to clear up any confusion.

He looked confused at that. "Fake girlfriend? That's um, why?" He asked.

"You know that girl Chaeri? That girl that came up to us?" I asked. He still looked confused.

"Ugh you dumbass! She even told us to stay away from Jisung!" I say in frustration. "Oh yeah I remember her! What about her?" He asks.

"Well Jisung wants to "date" me for a month or two so she'll leave him alone. That's why." I explain.

"But why? Why did you say yes? This doesn't even benefit you." He said confused. I smirked.

"That's where you're wrong, he said while we date he'll buy me food and.." I stopped. Felix raised his eyebrow. "And?" He asked.

"He'll stop bothering me after we're done." I said looking down. "Y/n?" He called. I looked up at him.

"Are you sad that he'll leave you alone?" Felix asked me. "What? No of course not! I'm glad that dumbass will leave me alone!" I say immediately.

"Ok whatever... well I have to go eat dinner now so I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" He waved. I waved back and cut the call.

I laid down on my bed thinking about what I've done. "Why did I say yes? To help him? I don't even care about him." I say out loud.

"What about Seungmin? I was actually taking some interest in him." I say. I put my face in my pillow and groaned in annoyance. "Why is my life so complicated!" I say my voice muffled.

I put on my AirPods and decide to listen to txt's Maze in the Mirror, to clear out some stress.

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