Chapter 17

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"You like me...?" I wasn't sure how to feel. I'm supposed to restart with Jisung and possibly date him this time. But Seungmin likes and he has been nothing but kind to me. So honestly I'm really stuck here.

"Y/n....?" Jisung called in an unsure tone. The fact that I was standing there thinking about Seungmin's confession made Jisung feel insecure. You could see the pained look he gave.

I stepped away from both of them. "Look this is too much for me at once. I, I need to go I'm sorry." Without thinking I walked away.

As I was walking home the grey clouds were gathering giving the sky a dull look. You could hear the thunder rumbling, finally the rain came crashing down drenching me almost immediately.

I started crying my tears mixing with the rain. I shakily pulled out my phone trying not to let my phone slip from my grasp. "L-Lix?"

"Y/n? What happened? Did Jisung pull some shit again? I will find his ass-"

"No! Just get me an Uber I want to come over I'm not feeling good."

"Okay I'll send you an Uber just wait okay?"

"Okay." The line went silent.

I didn't know why I was crying. I felt overwhelmed in a way by everything, Jisung and Seungmin liking me. Jisung wasn't good to me before but now he seems better than before.


I bowed to the Uber driver as he drove away. I went up to Felix's house and knocked. His mother opened the door. "Oh Y/n what happened to you? Let me get you some towels and make you some hot chocolate." She quickly rushed to get some towels.

I then saw Felix coming downstairs. "Oh my god you look horrible."

"Wow thanks I didn't know." I say sarcastically.

"Here's a towel and I'm sure Olivia can give you some clothes to borrow." I smiled at her in appreciation.

"Go to the washroom I'll ask her." Felix said.

I go upstairs and went to the washroom. As soon as I closed the door, I looked into the mirror with horror. I really did look bad. My hair was everywhere plus it was wet and tangled. My eyes were red and puffy, plus my makeup has washed off but you could tell it did. On top of that my clothes were dripping.

I undressed myself completely and started drying myself with the dry towel. Then I started drying my hair with the towel. I brushed my hair too.

Felix knocked and gave me the clothes. I changed into them and came out. I walked right to Felix's room.

"Right so wanna tell me what happened?" He crosses his arms.

"I don't know Felix everything seems to be going good but then something happens." I whined.

"Well you have to tell me what happened."

"Seungmin confessed to me."

"Y/n this isn't new you know he likes you. This shouldn't be stressful if you know who you like."

"The thing is Lix, I've obviously liked Jisung before but he didn't turn out to be what I thought. Seungmin has been nothing but kind to me I feel bad for rejecting him. At the same time Jisung likes me now and he's trying to be a better person just for me."

Felix sat there for a moment thinking about the information I just told him. "To me it seems like you like Jisung, if you were to choose Seungmin it would be a 100% out of pity. You yourself said you feel BAD for rejecting him. But you appreciate the efforts Jisung is attempting to make. I mean you literally cried when Jisung kissed another girl."

I looked away in embarrassment due to Felix bringing up that moment. "There's so much more I can say but I'm going to stop. So tell me Y/n who do you choose?"

I would be lying if I said I didn't know who. It was pretty obvious who I liked, but it feels weird to say it out loud. "I like Jisung." I say in a hesitant tone.

He smiled at me for finally getting it out. "We both knew that I just wanted to hear you to say it out loud. But now this means you finally accept it."

"Thanks Lix you've helped me so much throughout this whole thing." I give him a hug knowing he loves them a lot.

"That's what best friends are for! Now you need to meet up with him."

I quickly pull away from the hug. "Wait what? Why?"

He groaned loudly. "Yeah you like him! But doesn't he need to know that?!"

"I guess so..."

"Don't tell him anything yet text him and say you want to meet up somewhere."

"But it's raining outside! He's not going to come."

He smirked at me. "That's where you're wrong for you he will, just text him trust me."

I pull out my phone to text Jisung.

uh jisung?
i know you're probably upset but can we meet up at the park near my house?
i'm gonna be there in 10 minutes

I look up at Felix. "He's not responding!"

"Just go! He will come trust me now quickly leave!" He says as he rushes me to get up.

I head downstairs and put my jacket and shoes on. I take Felix's umbrella since it's still raining.

"I guess I'm going now."

"You got this now go!" He pushes me out the door.


I reach the park I reached there 2 minutes earlier since I walked fast due to my growing anxiety.

"God why did I agree to this?" I mumbled to myself exasperated.

"Y/n?" I turn around to see Jisung. His hair was wet because of the rain.

"Jisung..." I say quietly.

"I understand if you like Seungmin but you didn't have to pretend to give me a chance."

"I wasn't! I came here to tell you something else."

He raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"I'm so blind for not realizing this but I know now. I really like you Jisung, even after everything that happened I still like you."

Jisung stood there in shock he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I thought you were confused... you literally walked away at the park earlier."

"I know I felt overwhelmed but no matter how I think of it I still choose you. I always have I just didn't realize it." Tears were building up in my eyes.

I looked down scared. I didn't hear any response from him making me more nervous. I thought he had walked away because I hurt his feelings. But instead I felt a pair of arms engulfing me.

I look up to see him giving me a soft smile. "Y/n I like you too I'm sorry for being such an ass towards you but I really like you, and I'm willing to be a better person for you."

I hugged him back tightly the umbrella falling out of my grasp in the process.

He slowly let go. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

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