Chapter 12

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I woke up with my eyes burning due to the lack of sleep last night. I had spent my whole Sunday eating snacks and watching Netflix, then I spent the night thinking about the kiss AGAIN.

I groan as I slowly lift myself from the bed. "Ugh I really don't want to go to school today but I have a history test..." I whine at the thought of going to school.

I slowly drag myself from bed with all of my might. I get ready for school and then walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"I'll just buy a coffee on the way to keep me awake for the day." I grab my wallet and leave.

As I walked to the café I bump into someone since I was too tired to pay attention. "I'm sorry-" the voice said. I look up at person which happened to be Jisung.

"Great just what I needed to start this beautiful day."

"Oh woah Y/n you look like a zombie." He said laughing, but I wasn't. I just stared at him with no expression.

"Alright sorry, but why are you here so early? You usually walk to school a bit later."

"Stalker much?" I raise an eyebrow.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Hey hey I just happen to notice these things, I'm not stalking you.
You're not that special anyways." He said putting his hands up in defense.

"Says the one who asked to go out with me a thousand times a day." I retort.

"I ask a bunch of girls out, they usually say yes the first time though. Unlike you, don't worry one day I'll succeed."

I scoffed. "Keep saying that to yourself." Then I start to walk away from him.

But he quickly jogs up to me. "Okay but like why are you walking earlier than usual?"

"I couldn't get any sleep last night so I'm just gonna get a coffee on the way to school."

"Ohh okay, I'll come with." He said.

I quickly turn to face him. "Sure but I ain't buying you shit, get your own food."

"No no I'm buying us coffee don't worry about paying" he said.

"Oh okay." He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Okay? That's it?" He questioned.

"What do you mean that's it? You offered and I said yes, what did you expect me to do?"

"Well I thought you would do the thing where I offer, and you say no it's okay. Then I insist but you resist, and then finally you give in." He tried explaining words all over the place.

"No if you make an offer I'm saying yes immediately, especially if it's food." I say.

He groans. "Whatever let's just go to the café."


We enter the café, the place looked cozy and cute. It made you feel peaceful in a way. "Wow I'd love to come here for studying." I thought.

We walk up to the counter. "Hi guys, what can I get you today?" The worker asks.

Jisung looks over at me. "I want a vanilla latte, medium." I quietly whisper to him.

"She'll have a medium vanilla latte and I'll have a medium iced americano."

The lady taps the screen a few times in front of her. "Alright that will be $14.56." Jisung takes out his credit card and pays for it.

"Alright it should be just 5-10 minutes." The girl says with a smile.

"Okay thank you." Jisung replies.

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