1st week of Mirabel Madrigal

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Day 1

3rd POV

It was after the burial of Alma Madrigal, her family was all currently in the kitchen everyone's spirit was very down and nothing would make it better. It didn't help that Pepa's storm made the energy much worst.

"So..." Camilo started, everyone looked at him, "Now that Abuela is... gone, who is gonna protect the miracle? the candle?" Isabela got up with fury in her eyes "¡Tú, estúpida y traviesa mierda! ¡¿Por qué hablarías de eso ahora?!" She screams, tears in her eyes. "Isabela, Calmate hija," Julieta said but Camilo talked over her. "What?! It's true! Abuela would have wanted the miracle to stay alive,  but who will take care of it?!-"

"I will." Everyone turns to Mirabel, who was quiet during the time. She took a deep breath and continued, "Before Abuela died, she called me into her room and asked me when she dies, to take up the mantel of the new candle holder" Everyone besides Augustin gasps. "I know it's all sudden, but abuela trusted me with the miracle. and I intend to keep it burning and this family together... But I don't know if I can do it if you guys don't help." After she finished, there was a few moments of silents. Until Julieta took a deep gasp, "Mira... has crecido," She wiped some of her tears. "I remember when you were so small, and now you'll be taking care of the miracle..." She looked at her with a smile, "Of course will help you, to keep mama's wish alive," She stated, "To keep her Miracle alive," Luisa said. Then, there was a big bang coming from upstairs, everyone got up to see what the noise was and everyone gaped. There was Abuela's door but instead of a door it was a craving of where her door was and on the other end of the house was the nursey but its was glowing blue light. "What the-" Then the casita moved the candle to the front of where the nursery was. Mirabel picked up the candle and turned to her family's, eyes widening.

"This is... for Mirabel, Casita?" Asked Dolores, Casita responded with windows moving up and down as if to say 'yea'. "Mirabel! open it!" Antonio squealed, then there was a murmur of agreement, Mirabel anxiously look at the door and look back at the door,

Her palms get sweaty,

Her breathing gets faster,

What if it will disappear like last time? will it make me a bad holder? 

She shook her head.

Dont be stupid, whether you have a door or not, abuela trusted you.

She took a shaky breath, then she touched the door nob.

Then everyone was enveloped with the blue light after it receded they all, again, collectively gasps. The nursery door now was glowing a teal blue, the door was in graved with Mirabel holding a candle with her name also in graved at the top.  "No way!" Antonio gasps, "Open it up!" Julieta said, eagerly. Mirabel nodded and opened it.

It was, like her old room, except the walls...they were made of maroon silk, and coming out of it were a bunch of yellow butterflies. "Woah!" Camilo gaped, "I finally have my own room..." Mirabel said, quietly. "Mirabel, you have a room now.." Her dad said putting a hand on her shoulder. Mirabel put her hand on her dad's chest, crying a bit.

'Abuelo, Abuela I hope you I've made you proud.'

(A/n this is shorter than my last one but I hope you enjoyed it! ill try and update soon as I can but then again I really hope you liked this!)

600 words

Mirabel the new candle holderWhere stories live. Discover now