Chapter 6

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You and Jeremy never mentioned anything about this kiss and it had been a week. You were busy planning the dinner and you had a location which you were going to today. Telling Allison where you were going, you walk out of your apartment and headed to your car where you drove to the location that they want to the dinner to be at. After an hour of driving, you finally arrive and you grab your bag, heading out of the car. walking inside, you were in awe of the place. You were in your own world looking around when you bump into the person who had reached out to you. 

"You must be Katlyn Cooper." He says with a smile. 

"I am. This place is amazing." You say still in awe. 

"I'm glad you like it. Listen, we want this to act as a meet and greet as well as a cast dinner."

"Looking around the room, what we could do is have almost like a square U shape with the tables, so everyone is facing each other in the corner, and before the dinner, it can just be almost like a stand and mingle thing. I guess the majority of the cast already know each other so it would mainly be meeting the new actors coming into the scene?"

"That sounds like a great idea."

"Thanks. Do you mind if I take some photos and everything so I am able to plan this out?"

"Go ahead."

You take the camera out of your bag and begin to take photos of the room, so you could map out where you wanted everything to go with the photos you have. You would do a digital copy so you could send it to him than a physical copy for yourself. After an hour, everything is done and you say your goodbyes before leaving the venue. You had just got in your car when your phone begins to ring. Rummaging through your bag, you manage to find your ringing phone to see Jeremy was ringing.

"What can I do for you?" You say, your voice was cheerful.

"Well someone's happy today."

"I'm at the venue for your cast dinner so I can begin the actual planning stage of putting things in places."

"Sounds like you had fun. Anyways, I'm not gonna be able to see you tonight since I got dragged into a random Jimmy Fallon interview." 

You giggle. "Ok, well you have fun, and looks like I might have something interesting to watch."

"Yeah ok. I'll see if I can stop by before I leave but can't fully guarantee."

"Hey, it's ok. I won't die. If I don't see you soon, I'll see you on tv. I gotta go. Cya."

"Bye love." 

You hang up and shake your head with a smile. Throwing your phone back in your purse you start the car and head back to your apartment to start with the designing process. Once you are finally home, you hand Allison your camera, and the two of your start doing physical and digital drawings and plans for the dinner. The two of you were working until Allison brings up the unknown question.

"You like him don't you?" She says as she turns to you.

"Like who?" You turn to your friend, confusion on your face.

"Jeremy. You like him."

"As a friend Allison. I have no idea where you got that idea from." Suddenly the memory of that kiss replays in your mind. You quickly turn back to your work so Allison couldn't see your face.

"I see the way you guys look at each other Katie."

"Allison Walker. Might I remind you that he is an actor with higher standards for his love interests?" 

"When had his 'actor' title ever bothered you."

"It doesn't. I'm just saying that we are just friends. He isn't interested in me Alli." Your heart broke when you just admitted that hard truth. But he was feeling the complete opposite about you and you didn't know it.

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