Chapter 9

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(A/N: FYI, the first Avengers film only took 4 weeks to film which is kinda crazy)

Over the next couple of months you have been quite busy. With planning events such as birthday parties, weddings and even one of two company functions. Now you had saved enough money to be able to buy an actual office instead of working at home - which Allison didn't mind because she always got to raid your fridge. 

You and Allison finally finished the last event you had and both of you collapsed in your couch. 

"I don't wanna see another ribbon or bow for a long, long time." Allison groans and she leans into the couch and throws off her shoes. 

"Who really needs that many bows for a reception party." You say, giving off a yawn. 

You continue to talk to Allison when your phone buzzes. You grab your phone and lean back smiling at who texted you. 

You throw your phone onto the coffee table and sigh, leaning back into the couch

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You throw your phone onto the coffee table and sigh, leaning back into the couch. You couldn't wait to see him it had been a while with him being off filming and press tours. You leaned back in your seat while Allison had a smirk on her face. 

"You know, I was going to show you this before but we began to get really busy and non of us have really paid attention to new but looks at what's on Twitter." Allison shows you her phone which displays a photo of you and Jeremy kissing before he went off filming the caption saying 'The relationship is final!' 

"Ahh...we haven't even publically stated we are dating. That was one kiss. Ok, that was our second kiss in public but that is beside the point here." You sigh, throwing your hands up in the air. "I hate the media sometimes." 

"So we have gone from despised to hate. We are doing good." Allison jokes, trying to lighten the mood because she knows that you haven't had the best of experiences when it came to the media. 

You give off a small smile. "Ok, what do you say, pizza and cheesy romance films?" 

"You read my mind," Allison says with a smile.

The two of you order pizza and settle on the couch, starting your marathon of cheesy romantic films. It was always something you loved doing with her since you guys were teenagers. After watching your 5th film the two of you grow tired and Allison says it's time for her to go home. You say goodnight to your best friend and start to clean up before making tracks to bed for yourself. Once you were showered and changed, you get into your bed, cuddling int your pillow trying to go to sleep. When you fall asleep, you fall into a nightmare and wake up in the middle of the night. This was going to be a long night. 

You were right, you hardly got any sleep and when you woke up you decided that it was no point falling back to sleep again only to fail for the hundredth time. When you looked at your clock it was 9 in the morning. You sigh and decide to take a shower to hopefully wake yourself up. It worked slightly and after you had some coffee you felt a little bit better. You were playing a game on your phone when Jeremy began ringing you. 

"Yes, what can I do for you?" 

"Hey, just wanted you to know that I'm almost home. Is that ride from the airport still on offer?"

"Course. I'll see you soon." 

"Ok, Love you, Bye."

"Love you too." 

You hang up and start getting ready to drive to the airport to pick up your boyfriend. You grab your wallet, phone, and keys before leaving your apartment. Getting in your car, you give a yawn and start your car. You weren't driving for 2 minutes before you hated the silence so you turned on your playlist and your favorite band started playing. Bobbing your head to the music, you drive to the airport. You parked your car and got out. As you were walking, you sent a quick text to Jeremy. 

You sigh and shove your phone in your back pocket

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You sigh and shove your phone in your back pocket. You then go and find someone to tell you what gate Jeremy's plane is at. Once you were told, you made your way through the large crowds of people. You finally reached the gate and waited around for Jeremy to come. You were waiting for 10 minutes before you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and someone's chin resting on your head. 

"Hey beautiful." the voice that you knew too well said which caused you to smile. 

You turn around in Jeremy's arms and wrap your own around the back of his neck. "Hey. How was your flight?"

"It was ok. But I'm just glad I'm back here with my girl," he says with a smile. 

Without any warning, he leans in and placed a sweet, soft kiss on your lips which you return just as fast. When the two of you are apart, you both smile but then you notice there were quite a few people around with cameras taking photos. Jeremy rolls his eyes and takes your hand and you lead him to where you had parked your car. The two of you manage to give the desperate and nosey fans the slip and get into the car. When I started the car, the playlist I had been listening to started playing and Jeremy just looked at me. 

"Never pinned you as one of those girls," he says, as you were reversing out of the car park. 

"I'm not that crazy. Sure yes I am a HUGE fan but well you get the point," you say, focusing on the road.

"Yeah, don't worry. I was just teasing you." 

You rolls your eyes and the two of you started talking about random stuff as you drove back to his place. 

"We going to my place?" he asked, his brows furrowed.

"Well, I thought you would want to go home," you say with a shrug when you drove up to his driveway. 

"You are so thoughtful." 

"I try to be." you shrug and cut the engine, getting out of your car. "I also have some exciting news to tell you." 

The two of you walked through the front door and Jeremy goes to change when you go to the living room and sit down on the couch. Jeremy came back looking a little more refreshed. He sits next to you and moves closer. 

"So what is this exciting news?" he asks after he starts playing with your ponytail. 

"Well, when you were away filming, Allison and I have been swamped with work but we are finally on top and we have saved enough money to be able to lease a place for our firm. I don't exactly want to work in my apartment and I'm getting sick and tired of Allison raiding my fridge more than she usually does." 

Jeremy chuckles. "Well, that's great news. I'm so proud of you." he plants a kiss on your forehead and you lean into him. "You wanna spend the night?"

You nod. "Let me just get some clothes from my place." 

Jeremy nods and you get up and leave his place to grab some spare clothes. Grabbing a night dress and a fresh pair of clothes for tomorrow you throw it in a bag as well as any personal items you might need. Once you were packed you grabbed your laptop bag with your laptop and left your apartment. Once you got back to his place the two of you watched movies, discussed places you could have the firm, and just enjoyed each other's company. 

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