Chapter 1(To seika high💮)

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Kim Y/n was just walking to her new school called Seika high school she heard that it was before an all boys school till girls started enrolling here,I got to the principal's office and told me everything I need to know and want me to find the student council president for a tour.
Your P.O.V

"Ms.Kim!!" A voice yelled calling me while I was walking through the halls to find the president so I stopped and looked at her.

"Finally I found you!" The girl said with shoulder length hair and light brownish with a golden tint eyes.

"Oh um hello my name is Kim Y/n, Nice to meet you um-"

"Oh yes!My name is Ayuzawa Misaki I'm the student council president, Nice to meet you too Ms.Kim" she introduced and we both bowed to each other then eventually started the tour.

After we finished the tour we were just walking through the halls when I suddenly got uncomfortable with how the boys looked at me,Misaki seems to noticed it and scolded them.

"Heyyy!! Stop looking at her like that don't you realize she's getting uncomfortable with your stares and instead of dozing off you should review lessons instead!".

I just chuckled looking at her because of how amazing she is as a president,I stopped chuckling when she looked at me.we both stared then laughed together talking and getting to know each other while continuing walking through the halls when suddenly we heard sobbing so we both followed where it was coming from.

"Usuii!!You againn how many times do i have to tell you to be careful of your words?!i wont let you off the hook if you make another girl cry again!"

Misaki yelled at the blonde boy which seems to be rejecting the crying girl Infront of him that led us here,not long after misaki's scolding the girl dashed and run away past us, I was about to stop her when the blonde boy called for me.

"Hey you"


I looked back but suddenly he was Infront of me holding my chin staring at me with a shocked face, I was confused but I stared back looking at his features and it feels like I've seen him before rather he was quite familiar...

"Stop it Usui!" Misaki yelled pushing Usui away from me then got infront of me so he won't get near me.

"Baka!I already told you that I won't let you off the hook if you make another girl cry again but now your targeting Y/n?she's just a new student you pervert!"

Usui still looked at me with soft eyes then break it looking at Misaki and said."Don't worry,I won't.." after that he left.

"Damn that Usui!" Misaki sighed then looked at me.

"Are you okay?you looked stunned and btw do you know him because I've never seen him with an expression like that when he looked at you earlier"

"Yes I'm fine but I don't know him though" I said but it still confused me of why he looked familiar but I just shrugged it.

"Right!So wanna be friends I kinda have a feeling of protecting you and we also have same vibes" she said while rubbing the back of her neck.

"Sure!" I said then we both laugh and head towards our classroom

At Lunch

"Misaki,where are we going?" I asked to Misaki who is dragging me right now.

"To my friends,I'll introduced you to them and have lunch there too!"

We arrived and sat down on the grass with two girls who is looking at me with sparkle eyes,one has pink hair with a cheerful face and the other one has short hair and glasses.

"Uhm guys This is Kim Y/n our new classmate".Misaki said

"Ahhh!!Yes I know her you've been talk of the school ever since you arrive,the girls really admire your looks and intelligence!" Said the girl with pink hair.

"Yep especially the boys they're really simping on you right now Y/n-chan the school literally just titled you the princess of Seika ,and btw my name is Shizuko Kaga" the girl with glasses Shizuko said and bowed.

"And I am Hanazono Sakura!Nice to meet you Y/n-chan!"She said holding my hands with sparkle eyes and flower aura surrounding her.

"Hehe Nice to meet all of you too"

"Okay!Now then from now on were all best friends,you can count on us anytime Y/n" Misaki said with a smile

"Yup!we'll have much more fun now that you're here y/n-chan,I can feel our friendship getting stronger!"she said with a dramatic pose that made all of us laugh.

"Now let's eat!I'm hungry"

Shizuko said,so we all eat talking and laughing together through lunch break then I thought I have a feeling that I will have a great journey here in Seika now with these friends. I snapped out of my thoughts then chuckled.

After School

I am now Infront of my building and go towards the elevator leading to my new apartment,I already finished packing everything yesterday so i really need to rest right now, I was about to open my door when I saw a familiar figure outside my neighbors door he seemed to be looking at me but I couldn't properly see his face so I just shrugged and went inside.

I just finished eating dinner and doing my night routine.So now,I am just watching anime in my tv since we have no homework when suddenly my phone rings I looked at the caller id and it was my dad.

"Hi dad"

"Hello,how is my girl doing hmm?because I have some good news for you!"

"I'm doing fine dad,what's the good news?"

"Your brother is awake!"

I gasped at what my dad said then I screamed and jumping out of happiness.When I was 10, me and my older brother got into a car accident,we both have severe injuries that time,My head got really affected with the accident where too much blood was coming from it when we arrived at the hospital, fortunately I got out safe but with no memories..yes..I have amnesia.And my brother got into a comatose still not waking up until now,so I'm very excited to meet him again!!

"Ahh can I talk to him?"

"Sorry Y/n your brother is currently sleeping,tired since your mother showered him with scolding and crying out of happiness the entire day"

"Pfft!Silly mom oh dad can I ask something?"

"Sure,what is it?"

"Uhm can I do part time job?"

"Huh?,Mochi did you forgot that we own the most successful company in Britain and business known around the world?" My dad teased.

"Haha I know that dad were rich I know,but I want to experience being independent to be successful on my own,find my own job and earn my own money"

"Hmm you really takes after me huh so proud haha,then I approve but still update me and your mom okay?,be careful I gotta rest now still have meetings to attend,love you!"

" Thank you and Love you too dad!" I said hanging up.

Tired,I turn off the TV and went to my bedroom ready to sleep,I guess I have to look for a job starting tomorrow I thought then slept.

𝐈 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞💮(A Usui Takumi x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now