Chapter 1

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It was an icy night. The snow storm was howling outside her apartment window, but she wasn't paying it any attention. She was too busy helping her little sister get into bed. "Alright Jackson, all nice and snug." She kissed Jackson's forehead and smiled. Despite how cold it was, Ashlyn's smile was warm and kind which always brought warmth into Jackson's heart. "Thank you, sissy," Says Jackson.
"What are big sister's for? Now it's bedtime ok?"
"Awww do I have to go to bed right this second?"
"Yes, c'mon please. If you do I promise tomorrow i'll let you stay up later"
"Ok fine. Goodnight, sissy"
"Goodnight sweet dreams"
Without another word Ashlyn leaves her sister's room and goes over to the counter, in the dining room, where her phone lays. Once she retrieves her cellphone She sits on one of the stools. She turns on the phone to see a couple text messages. As she tries to reply to them her phone goes out of service. "Great. Now I'm in big trouble..." She takes a deep breath. "What a great day for a Snow storm heh.." She hops onto the couch and curls up in a blanket. After a while of listening to the storm she driftly falls asleep.
The next morning Jackson woke up early as usual but only because it was freezing cold. She hurries to find her sister Ashlyn.... "Sissy, Sissy, It's soooo cold" As saying this she shakes her sister. Ashlyn half awake sits up to all this ruckus and yawns. " w-what did you say?" "Sissy why is it so cold in here" Jackson shivers a little. Ashlyn tries to figure out what her sister is talking about. As she looks around the room, She realizes that all the lights are off and the fire is out. "Jackson, Did you turn off the lights?" Ashlyn stands and walks over to the light switch. Her sister grabs the gray wool blanket off the couch and wraps herself in it. "No I didn't touch it" .....After flipping the switch a few times Ash sighs. "Sissy why aren't the lights coming on.." Ashlyn walks over and bends down next to her sister hugging her. "It's ok Jacky. The powers just out for a while" She lets go of her sister and goes over to the Fireplace. "I'll start another fire and then we can read some of your stories ok?" Jackson lightens up and smiles. "Yay, ok sissy."
Once Ashlyn gets the fire going, her and her sister sit in front of it with the book Jackson picked out. Ashlyn wraps her arms around her sister. "Alright, can you read it to me?" Jackson brightens up almost immediately. "yes of course sissy" Halfway through the book there is a knock at the door. "Ok hold on jackson. I'll be right back." She goes to the door and opens it to find her landlord. "Miss ashlyn. I am here to inform you that your rent is a month late."
"I know I'm really sorry mrs. Lawson I promise i will pay it this friday,"
"Alright, fine. But if it isn't paid by this Friday. I will have no choice. This is the third time in a row, do not let it happen again."
"Yes of course"
Ashlyn closes the door as Mrs. Lawson leaves. "Sis who was at the door.."
"It was just um a friend dont worry about it"
"Now continue reading I wanna know what happened to the lonely frog"
"Ok ok I'm reading" Jackson giggles and starts reading again.
Once Jackson finished her story, It is around noon. "So Jacky, what do you think of going to see Aunt Carly today?"
"Yeeess! I wanna go see Aunt carly!"
The child runs around putting on her coat and shoes, when suddenly Ashlyn grabs her arm. "Hey now you have to get dressed first silly." the two go forth into jackson room. A few minutes later, Jackson comes out in a cyan long sleeved shirt with a pair of white overalls along with a pair of bright pink snow boots. Her hair has been pulled up into two pigtails on the right side is a flower beret underneath her hood of her dark brown puffer coat. Ashlyn comes out of her room in a short sleeved black velvet shirt tucked into a long light brown fitting skirt with a pair of black boots along with a black coat overtop and a long black braid down her back. "Ready?" She asks her lil sister. With a nod they head out the door.

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