chapter 3

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                       9:32 p.m.

   Walking along the sidewalk, I put my earbuds in, turning up the familiar music of Matchbox twenty-one. The snow crunching under my feet as I stared off into the distance, icy wind blowing right through me. Work was absolutely dreadful. I thought, thinking back upon what happened.
     I hadn't realized it, but I had made a wrong turn somewhere, ending up on a deserted street. Where am I? Just then, I felt someone lay a hand on my shoulder, Letting out a Scared Scream-like sound as I turned around. The man I was now looking at pulled his hand away, obviously taken back by my response. I took out my earbuds as We stood there in silence, well besides The sound of my hyperventilating breath.
       He was looking at me and I was looking at my shoes. Glancing up every now and again I happened to notice He was considerably taller than me, probably 6 something. He had Messy Light brown hair, I glanced up at his green eyes noticing the gold flakes. He looked around my age, maybe a year or two older. "Like what you see?" I realized I had been staring, he looked amused with a smirk on his face. I quickly dropped my gaze as I panicked in embarrassment, "No I mean yes wait no, um, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to stare at you or anything-" I rambled on until he bursted into laughter. I looked at him frowning, suddenly offended. "What's so funny?" I looked so unamused right now. He looked up at me, smiling as soon as he saw my expression. Avoiding my question, He changed the topic. "I'm Dylan Knight" He stuck out his hand, I looked at it then away feeling my shyness come back. I did not return his offer of a handshake.
    "What, Do you not have a name? or should I just call you, Mystery girl?" He grinned with his cocky attitude. Finally finding my words,                
    "A-April… My name is April." I mumbled, Hating how big his ego is.
    "Oh, so you do have a name? Good to know." I couldn't help but glare at him. Rolling his eyes at my childish behaviour, He looked around. Turning back to me, Suddenly serious. "Are you lost or something?" I paused looking around too, and As much as It bruises my ego, I had to admit, I am lost. However I did not want to admit that. Not to him. "Uhh… No" My voice sounds uncertain. I cursed quietly at myself for that. "Hmm-hm" Rolling his eyes at me, again. Obviously, not believing my little lie. Out of curiosity I looked at my watch, 10:23. Without thinking I cursed aloud. Suddenly brought back to the situation at hand, I lowered my head in embarrassment at my sudden Language. He chuckled, leaning against a wall studying me. Why is he looking at me like that? It's creepy. I shivered at the thought of what could happen in this situation. I let my mind drift off on the what ifs, not realizing that Dylan had made his way over here and was snapping his fingers in front of my face, trying desperately to get my attention. Coming back to reality I glared up at him, my frown deepening, until I realized how close we were in which I automatically took a step back. "What do you want?" I snapped, surprised at the cold tone I was using. He looked slightly shocked but shrugged it off "Jeez, Cruella, I was just offering to help ''
    Putting his hands up he pouted. Trying to look hurt by how rude I was being.
    "How could you think I'm anything like Cruella!?" My Anger and embarrassment came all at once, making my voice crack at the end. He smirked, knowing he hit a nerve.
     "Woah there, and Here I was thinking you were gonna be one of those 'easy awkward girls'" He laughs as all my confidence fades away leaving me to be exactly what he thought. I immediately looked away, over at a street sign as he laughed more in my face.
     "Whatever, I have to go now." My voice Suddenly a whisper as I practically ran away. He yelled out for me a few times, But I ignored him, determined to get home.

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