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After the audience was over, Jake and Fukiba returned to Jake's secondary residence in the royal capital.

Jane and Gin were waiting for us in the mansion.

—»Sorry to keep you waiting. There's something I want to talk to you both about

Fukiba, who was walking alongside, looked tired

Only my family was gathered at reception room. Right now, neither James nor Cicily were with them.

There are only four people in the room, Jake, Jane, Gin, and Fukiba.

—»First, Fukiba was made baron at today's audience. After that, he was rewarded with a mansion and gold

—»Oh my, that's amazing! That shows how grateful they are to you for saving the princess!

—»Fukiba, you're awesome! Now you have a safety net as you grow up!

Jane and Gin were delighted, but froze at Jake's next words.

—»However, there is a problem. It is still top secret, but it has been decided that Fukiba will be the fiancee of His Royal Highness Princess Valentina.

Fukiba jerked as he looked down.

—»Young master Fukiba, I wonder what that's about?」

A cold voice comes from Gin.

—»Apparently it was love at first sight when Fukiba bravely saved them. This has already been acknowledged by His Majesty. It's not something that can be changed

—»You'll get married sometime, it's just that it's been decided early. But still, those to princess valentina.

Apart from Gin, Jane is in a good mood. As a mother, there is nothing happier than seeing the child you gave birth being granted peerage and becoming independent. Moreover, his fiancee is none other than from the royal family. . .

—»I wonder what happened in that carriage?

Fukiba jerked at Jane's casual comment.

—»Although I'm sure you've heard that Fukiba shared a room under the same inn, you certainly haven't heard that during his carriage ride, Fukiba held a flower in each hand. They went all the way to the royal capital arm-in-arm. The king suggested that Fukiba should take them as his wives, after all, after going so far, they can't be married off anymore.

Jake continues.

—»And that's where Fukiba gave his consent, and while I think Fukiba's not looking to go public for the time being, it's already been decided that they're going to get married. Before that, I was called by His Majesty
—»Is your son a topnatch lady-killer!? and was reprimanded«—

Gin is sulking as always.

—»Fukiba was scheduled to return to his territory, but since he was given a mansion he will move there once once everything settles down. Once in the royal capital, Gin will be able to see you at any time«—

With those words, Gin mood improved.

—»So that means I can see Young master Fukiba anytime! If it's like that, I feel better already!«—

—»So, Fukiba, what's with that strength? I mean, even if you got a tutor, you started out at level one, right? I can't believe you took down thirty orcs and goblins«—

Fukiba broke out in a cold sweat.

—»Can you show us your status, Fukiba? How much have you leveled up?«—

Even if it's my family, I can't just show them as it is.

—»Forgive me, father. I can't just show you my current status. I can only say that my leveling up is significantly higher than that of others due to the effects of a blessing. It's true that I've always been hunting alone so far«—

 Adventure And Reincarnated to a Aristocracy: and become Apostle!!Where stories live. Discover now