Conclusion (Soulmate au final part)

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○○♡♡Jim's pov♡♡○○

Left, right, swing, make sure my feet are planted, and bam! Last one!

Jim sheathed his sword and looked to the others.

"Everyone alright?"

Claire had a small scratch on her cheek from one of the goblins they had been fighting. Toby was completely fine, apart from being exhausted. Strickler was picking up his knives and reattaching them to his collar. Weird ass place to keep throwing knives but ok.

"Well done, young Atlas."

"Thanks Strickler."

The two transformed back into their respective forms, and the gang turned to head back to the building, but stopped at the sight of their audience. Nearly the entire school had shown up to watch them fight. Jim looked up at Eli and saw his shock, and fear.

Shit, he's never gonna like me now. I've ruined everything.

He heard gunshots. Why would he hear gunshots? He takes a moment to realise it's not gunshots. It's applause. All the students and teachers and other members of staff are clapping. Clapping for them. All except for Eli.

○○♡♡Eli's pov♡♡○○

Oh god. He's my soulmate. I mean, yay it's Jim, but what would he think of me??? He's just so cool and I'm just a nobody. Wouldn't he want to be with someone cool? 

The thoughts spun around Eli's head like a horrific carousel (merry-go-round for people like me). He stared down at Jim the Hero. Jim the Slayer. Jim the Way-out-of-his-league. Jim glanced up and they made eye contact. Jim's face was hopeful, but at seeing the boy, his face fell.

Yeah, he totally hates me.

○○♡♡five minutes later♡♡○○

Eli was seated back in his chair, trying not to look back at his soulmate. Emphasis on "trying". He snuck a glance back across the room to find a pair of bright blue eyes on him. He felt his face heat up as he snapped his head back forward.

God I wish the class was over.

○○♡♡Strickler's pov♡♡○○

Strickler, back in his human form watched the whole ordeal from his desk. He knew about the two being soul mates, Jim was his student and hopefully eventually step child. If things went well. But anyways, Strickler saw him as his own, and wanted the best for him. So, a quick chat was in order after class. Luckily, the school bell was just about to ring. And three, two....


The majority of students practically leapt out of their seats and scrambled to get their stuff together, before racing out the door to get home as soon as possible. The only ones who didn't were Jim, as he would be walking back with Strickler today; Eli because he was in no rush to get home, and his mind was on other things. Other things being Jim.

Strickler walked over to his favourite student and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Y'know, if you fancy Mr Pepperjack, talking to would much more effective than staring at." He spoke quietly, since Eli was still in earshot.

The young boy sighed.

"I knowwwwwww but I'm certain he hates me. I mean, he would want someone nerdy like him who can make time for him and someone he can share his conspiracies with. Not some weird vigilante knight with a magic sword and a 20% chance of death each day."

It was Strickler's turn to sigh.

"Young Atlas, what have my lessons taught you?"

"That Hitler's favourite food was beans on toast?"

"First off, Hitler's favourite food was potatoes, and second, I'm talking about your TrollHunter training. I have said many times that you should never give up on what your passionate about. And I can tell you like the boy, so don't give up on him either."

Jim paused, pondering the words of his mentor. A moment passed before he realised he was right. He shouldn't give up. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly and deliberately. He nodded.

"Yeah, ok."

He picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"Thanks dad." Jim said without thinking, then walked off after Eli.

Strickler stood there for minutes after that, smiling widely and trying not to cry.

○○♡♡Jim's pov♡♡○○

"Hey Eli!"

The boy in green stopped dead in his tracks. The two stood in the hallway, the last of the students already filing out the gates. Eli slowly pivoted on his heels, clutching his books tightly with his eyes glued to the ground.


Jim faltered. He didn't really think this far.

"Uh...... look I know I'm not the soulmate you wanted, but-"

But what?

"I know you wanted someone who was like you, smart and quiet who can make up crazy conspiracies with you, b-b-but........ I just......"

Deep breath.

"I'm sorry I can't be that, but would you be ok with... yknow, giving it a shot?..... giving... us a shot?"

Eli looked up.

Silence fell. (Dr Who fans where ya at)

It could have been minutes, it could have been months, who's to say. The two stared into each others eyes, open and vulnerable.

Eli opened his mouth.

"What could possibly make you think I'd say no?"

Jim stopped.

"What?" He asked.

Eli spoke again.

"You're awesome, and strong, and cool, and nice, and way too good for me, and I don't deserve to be your soulmate. But if you want to give it a shot, nothing would make me happier." Eli's voice cracked at the end, making Jim smile.

"Ok, so..... do you want to come over to my house?"


Hope everyone had a great Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all my loyal gays and shippers!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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