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Blood splattered against her cheek.

She knew that being an assassin was hard work, she could never deny that. The job was hard and exhausting and maybe only psychos would do it, however it was one of the few things Y/N was actually good at.

Sirens could be heard in the distance, how the fuck did Shield find her so fast?

"Until next time," Y/N saluted to the dead Shield agents in front of her before hopping on her motorbike and taking off into the night. Thankfully, she knew a few shortcuts that the shield vans and cars couldn't get through.

She had been a Hydra agent for a decade now, granted she started when she was only twelve but she never started missions until she was nineteen, at the mercy of her 'father', Alexander Pierce. He took her in after her parents abandoned her, or so she had been told.

Y/N remembered how loving and caring her parents were but she knew better than to question the authority figure when she was taken. The cold air made her eyes water as she sped up along the bumpy roads of New York and the sirens faded away.

She approached the backstreets of New York which were often filled with gangs and low life criminals and it was also where Hydra hid away one of their most used facilities.

Y/N dismounted off her bike and walked towards a specific building that looked like an abandoned garage to anyone who passed by, not even a Shield agent or Avenger could guess that it was filled with super soldiers and assassins.

Yes, super soldiers. After the experiments performed on the world famous Winter Solider and other soldiers from the wars, Hydra ended up creating a serum that would enhance everything about a human and never change a single thing about their appearance.

Y/N was one of them. The serum had saved her from many bullets and poison filled wounds which was more than Captain America's serum could do.

She climbed under a lifted car and opened the secret latch that led to the Hydra base. There was a spiral staircase that went down into a small, damp hallway which had a secret elevator at the end of it.

After the many Hydra infiltrations over the years, they turned to more discreet bases. There was many levels to the new base; twelve to be exact which is a lot for something underground. The twelfth floor was the very bottom and it was where they kept the people they kidnapped and tortured.

Y/N had never been to the twelfth floor and hoped to never go there. The eleventh was where they kept and trained people like the Winter Soldier. Tenth was more cells in a way but for the people with special abilities an example would be Wanda Maximoff and her twin.

Wanda was a girl who gained her powers from the mind stone (one of the infinity stones), she was once a Hydra agent before the Avengers corrupted her mind and she betrayed Hydra.

Her brother done the same however he was met with an unfortunate death on the day he betrayed Hydra. He was shot ten times trying to save an Avenger. That was the day Y/N started to believe in Karma.

Ninth floor was the baby assassins, many children and teenagers. Considering it was a training ground for murderers, it was the happiest floor. It was colourful and the children, some of them, were happy.

Eighth floor was where the adult agents were kept, the ones with experience. Each agent had their own apartment although some did choose to have roommates, Y/N didn't choose a roommate since she enjoyed her own space.

Seventh was training rooms. Sixth was weapons and suits, a place where you would prepare for missions. Fifth was labs, fourth was medical, third was storage and files; basically a library. Second was office spaces and First was the main room filled with all the important mission stuff.

Having the important stuff as the first level never made sense to Y/N, although if she was an Avenger the first place they would look would be the twelfth floor since it would make sense to have important things at the bottom.

Y/N went to the first level where she would find Pierce. She knew that he had a mission planned for her and she still needed to give him the report on the agents she killed earlier. Pierces office was basic and easy to move if needed.

"Agent 45, how was your mission?" Pierce looked up from his paperwork and focussed only on the girl he saw as a daughter.

"Swimmingly sir. No complications, Agents 13 and 33 were wiped out efficiently."

"Well done," Pierce walked over to his bookshelf and grabbed to glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He sat back down and gestured for her to sit opposite him while pouring the golden liquid into the glasses.

"I have another mission for you, one that will take time but will ultimately move you up in the world. If you complete this mission, you will move to our allies base and train future assassins," Pierce passed Y/N the glass of whiskey.

"If I'm correct, you have always wanted to be a Black Widow?"

"Yes, it has been my dream since you took me to visit when I was younger," she smiled at the memory as it was one of the few things she enjoyed remembering.

Pierce sipped at his drink, "Well, this mission is your chance to be one. You will be undercover as a Shield agent, most likely named after one of the ones you just killed. Your goal is to wipe out each of the Avengers."

Y/N was speechless. Why was Pierce trusting her with such a big mission?

"Sir, why me?"

"You are like a daughter to me Y/N and you are the only one I can trust," Pierce paused, "My friend, Nicholas Fury has offered you a job and you will take it as he believes that we are father and daughter."

"It would be my honour. When do I begin?"

"Tomorrow my child. Tomorrow you will be posing as an Agent of Shield and you will live with the Avengers until your job is done. Don't let me down Y/N," Pierce warned before leading her out the room.

Y/N turned to hug him, "Hail Hydra."

Tomorrow she would begin her mission and end the Avengers for good.

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