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"Dress for a funeral sir, Stark is going tonight," Y/N whispered into the phone while smearing red lipstick on her lips; something Stark couldn't resist. It was a custom lipstick made with arsenic which she was immune from, thanks to the serum.

Pierce spoke plainly through the phone, "Y/N do you really think tonight is the best night for Starks death. It would seem suspicious if two agents and then one of the main Avengers died within the same forty-eight hours you arrived."

She sighed, admiring herself in the mirror above the set of drawers in her room, "I want this mission to be done as quick as possible and Stark is the easiest to kill first."

"Missions take time and patience," he paused, "Something a future black widow should know."

"Fine. I will wait for your command." Y/N hung up the phone and wiped off her make-up. She slipped into a pair of pyjama bottoms and a hoodie before she slid into bed. She grabbed a book from her bedside table and began reading it.

She wasn't far into the book when a knock at her door took her away from the made-up world she was engrossed in. Once again James walked in without her permission, if he was going to be like this for the many months she would be stuck there, she would turn him back into the winter soldier within a week.

"So you've heard of knocking, just not waiting," Y/N commented with a tang of bitterness. She placed the book back on the table, waiting for James to speak.

His expression was blank, "I brought you some food, I thought we could talk about stuff."

"I appreciate the food but if its Hydra you want to talk about you can leave," Y/N accepted the plate from his hand and invited him to sit down.

"I remembered more about you," he whispered and her heart stopped for a minute. Y/N ate the burrito and James continued, "I trained you but we had a friendship, a connection. I remember this one memory, it's a bit blurry but we were in a cell together and it was cold so we huddled together to keep warm. The guards ended up dragging me away at someone's command, something about you being one of their daughters."

Y/N swallowed the bite of her food and she could feel the headache coming back.

The winter's breeze hurried through the gaps in between the cracks of the brick walled cell. Y/N shivered as she felt her body tense up. Hydra never had any sympathy towards it's prisoners, as long as they were fed and strong enough to fight then that was all the care they needed.

She sat next to the winter-soldier in the warmest corner of their cell, the two were good friends after being stuck with each other for weeks. Maybe even a romance was blossoming between the two, although Y/N was never sure what was real and what was a test in Hydra.

The winter soldier noticed her shivering and the chattering of her teeth, he felt responsible for her and he couldn't understand why. He wanted to make sure she was safe, especially here. He used his flesh arm and wrapped it around her frail frame. He recalled that skin to skin contact could keep a person warm enough to survive in harsh winters.

"Thank you Bucky," she muttered, looking into his tired and pain stricken eyes.

"Go to sleep doll," he whispered, resting his chin on her head. He held her close to his body, shielding her from the coldness, even if it meant freezing to death for him.

Soon enough Bucky went to sleep which was a rarity for him but she made it possible. He was awoken by the clanging of the cell doors opening next to them. Two guards entered the cell, the taller one hit Bucky with his baton, shaking Y/N awake.

Bucky released his grip on her and stood up, attempting to fight off the guard. The shorter guard secured Y/N's wrists behind her back causing her to grunt.

"Be careful she is the bosses daughter," the taller one warned. Bucky's attention went to her confused state, his distraction encouraged the guard to push him into the stone wall. They used a small device that weakened his metal arm which enabled the guard to take full control.

The tall guard twisted the soldiers arms behind his back and place him in handcuffs. Bucky's face contorted in pain.

"Stop, please you're hurting him," Y/N pleaded, she didn't understand why the guards came in so suddenly.

"Shut up whore." The shorter man spat at her before throwing her to the uneven concrete. Bucky yelled at the guard and Y/N could hear his muffled voice fighting back as he was carried out of the cell.

Y/N recalled the memory of that day and she realised where that was. It was the Siberian Base, the birth place of the Winter Solider. She was only nineteen at the time but that base was out of use by 1995. That was two years before she was born.

"I said I didn't want to talk about Hydra. I don't know what you remember but that never happened," she tried to convince Bucky that he imagined the whole thing but he was having none of it.

"It wasn't a figure of my imagination. I have very distinct memories of you from Hydra which means that you are not twenty five like your file suggests," Bucky's voice raised slightly, "I trained you at some point from 1988-1991 because we went on a mission together in December 1991."

The assassination of Howard and Maria Stark.

Y/N read about the mission in the Hydra archives and she read about the other soldier there who no one knew about. She watched the footage but she never recalled anything about that specific mission, since she didn't have time to reminisce over the people she killed or when they were killed.

If she focussed on her past missions, she wouldn't be able to focus on the current ones.

"That wasn't me. I never killed the Starks," she denied.

Bucky sighed, "Y/N you was with me. It was your first mission and I held you while you cried at night. I washed your hair from the blood and dirt. I remember it was you."

"I think I would remember such a traumatizing first mission," Y/N snapped at him. Her heart sped up, oh how she hated confrontation.

"You were brainwashed Y/N! They took every memory of us from you and they made me watch before they put you in that fucking Cryostasis Chamber," Bucky stood up and paced around the room, "They made me suffer with the memory of you before they wiped my memory again."

"I don't believe you," Y/N muttered beneath her breath.

Bucky came face to face with her, "Why would I need to lie to you?"

"Maybe you're scared that I'll turn you in to Hydra. Maybe I'm just an undercover agent and you're afraid that the monsters are everywhere," Y/N stood up and placed her hands on his chiselled chest, "Are you scared that the bad people are going to take you away in the night Barnes?"

Bucky's eyes focussed on the words that came out of her pretty lips, he should hate her for the words she just said but he couldn't help but feel completely engrossed by her. She made him feel something; alive.

"You're playing a dangerous game," he warned, gazing into her eyes.

She bit her lip, "Maybe I am."

Bucky leaned in but just before their lips could meet, Y/N pushed him away gently, "Don't talk about Hydra again."

She sat back down in her bed and gestured for Bucky to leave, he complied. She took her laptop from her bag next to her and looked up December 16th 1991. Y/N used the Shield files to do her research, knowing that the Hydra ones were most likely protected from her.



Who was she?

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