The final day of Thelegofunkid

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It was a simple night in the GRG discord moderator household Cat maid thelegofunkid was cooking food, wompers was in the bathroom, Miku was doing your mother, MAA_AATI was busy being the god of the MAA_AATI church, and dendritic was moderating the server not blinking once for he didn't let a single n word slip. Then something unimaginable something horrifying Thelegofunkid turned into normal lego (so sad) Wompers: HOW DARE YOU BECOME NORMAL LEGO THINK ABOUT YOURSELF AND THE OTHERS! Thelegofunkid: ... Wompers: *throws Thelegofunkid into a pool of lava* Thelegofunkid: ... *wompers realizes what he had done and laughs for a moment* Thelegofunkid (telepathically): wompers I'm not dead help me I'll turn back into lego cat maid if you save me. *wompers thinks for a moment but doesn't act* Miku: is food ready I just finished doing Dendritic's mom. Dendritic: YOU DID WHAT!!! *dendritic out of pure rage 360 no scopes Miku in the forehead with his sniper he always has* as everything was going on MAA_AATI is walking back home *MAA_AATI opens the front door to his horror of what just happened* MAA_AATI: I LEFT YOU GUYS FOR OEN DAY AND I COME BACK TO 2 OF YOU DEAD!!!! and then MAA_AATI died from hypothermia.

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