Chapter 1

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(Hi. This is a fanfiction that I have started writing. Yes it's Niam. Niam is life. Beside's the others. I know Zayn has left One Direction (I'm gutted as well) but in my mind he's still apart of it. Please leave me some feedback. I will take it into account. Promise. It is a bit of a story that everyone writes but hopefully I can make it interesting enough for you. Enjoy. xx)

Niall's POV

Have you ever seen one of those movies, TV shows or books where one of the twin brothers is gay? I am an identical twin brother and in my situation, that is true. But I am the gay one.

I do get bullied by others at my school. There are so many homophobic people around today and I don't see why they hate people like me. I think I am the only person brave enough to tell people at school that I like boys. Others stay hidden on the shadows or 'in the closet' as it is often referred to. I only had the strength because of my brother. His name is Nick by the way and he is the best person on the planet. I love him to bits and he understands me. Hardly anyone does now because they don't bother to.

Nick sits next to me in class, at lunch, at home, in the car, at other people's houses, everywhere even though it ruins his social reputation. We share a room still, even though we are fifteen, but neither of us mind. We share everything else anyway. People say that twins have a telepathic connection but we are too special for that. We have our own secret language that we can connect over. He can tell by my eyes if I need him and I can tell by his if he needs me. Obviously I need him more than he needs me but that is beside the point. The point is, that we are almost the same person but people still treat us so differently. Only because I'm gay. The statement of 'I'm gay' is such a bad label. People don't find it weird that guys like girls and visa versa so why would people being attracted to a person of the same gender define someone?

If I could do one thing to this world, it would be to create an equality between every living person on the planet. There are far to many racist, homophobic people and this effects everyone not just the people targeted. People are killed or kill themselves due to judgment from these types of people and it breaks my heart. If my brother was gay and something happened to him, I would be heartbroken and I know that people in other places all over the world have actually had that happen to them.

Every day, at 6 in the morning, I get out of bed and go running. I only do this because people already hate me enough and I don't need another thing to be bullied over, such as my weight. Sometimes Nick comes with me, but only if he wakes up. I don't like waking him because most of the time he sits up half the night with me when I have panic attacks or nightmares and he needs his sleep. When I get back, if he doesn't come with me, he is normally up and showered and I shower before we head down to breakfast together. Our lives have become almost a synchronised routine and it really helps me to feel somewhat accepted.

Mum drives us to school and we sit in the back seat together every time. We talk about what classes we have that day and where we will meet for lunch. When we get to school he walks me to my locker and gives me a hug before leaving to his. I am a person who loves human contact and he hugs me every morning because he knows that I might need it when the bullying starts.

It's starts with the names. It always does. Then comes the shoves in the hallways. And a few times people punch me. When they do it is because I tried to stand up for myself and they got mad. I go to Nick when that happens and he makes things better. He doesn't seem to mind that I always go crawling to him but I can't function without him. He's like my other half. Literally, we came from the same egg. If someone calls me a name he calls me the opposite. If someone shoves me, he hugs me and I know that later he shoves them back when I'm not around. I don't like it when he does that, but I can't get him to stop. If someone punches me, he threatens that person to never touch me again, but there are still so many of them that sometimes one person leaving me alone for a while is not noticeable.

At lunch he waits outside my classroom and walks with me to lunch. We sit in a corner with our backs to the wall and eat by ourselves. Lunch goes for forty minutes and it only takes us ten minutes to eat, so for the rest of the time we do homework and I help him with stuff he needs help on, like maths. Because of my low social status, I never go out and do things with people unless it's my brother or family. This gives me a lot if time to study and my brother calls me a nerd, but I know he loves me so the name doesn't bother me. I'm not really a nerd but I do pay attention in class which almost counts as being on for school students.

After school, we walk home because mum and dad are at work and that is one of the best parts of the day. Nick wraps an arm around my shoulders and tells me about all the funny things that happened to him during the day. Obviously nothing funny happens to me so I live through my brother. I don't mind it actually, if he's happy, I'm happy.

When we get home we grab a snack from the kitchen and head up to our room to do our homework. We have a desk in our room that sticks out from the wall so that we can sit opposite each other. We don't usually have much work because we always do most of it at lunch.

Every day, mum makes us have an hour away from each other after school. Normally I just curl up somewhere with a book after we finish our homework, whilst Nick disappears to a different room or leaves the house to go see one his friends. He's always back by my side as soon as the hour is over, without fail.

(right, so that's the first chapter. I hope you liked it. If not, please tell me how I can improve it. I can add/change anything you want. One vote and/or comment is all I ask for. The next chapter will be up like straight after that happens. Ily.)

The Gay Twin (Niam)Where stories live. Discover now