Chapter 25

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(Hey, what's up? Long time no update, huh? Sadly, I had no inspiration or ideas at all for what to write for a long time, and even then, this chapter is pretty shitty. As I said in the last chapter 'if you have any ideas please tell me that would be great!' as I'm a little empty on them myself at the moment. I won't keep you any longer, thanks for reading. 19k reads? You people are crazy. xx)

Niall's POV

Making my way down the stairs into the kitchen, I couldn't help but grumble the whole way. At least mum was far enough away that she couldn't hear my muttered compiling about how unfair it was that I had to set the table, why didn't Nick have to do it?

The reason as to why I had been dragged along became apparent because the table was already set, but my mother and father were sitting there watching me with very stern expressions on their faces. I chewed on my bottom lip nervously, taking the seat that was meant for me and crossing my hands over my lap before looking up. Had I done something wrong? Most likely it was going to be about Liam and I. Because that's all that seemed to be happening in my life at the moment, Liam. Liam was taking over everything. I didn't mind it too much.

I had never really had a boyfriend before, or any other romantic partners for that matter. So, they spent their time lecturing me about the new rules they had decided they wanted to put in place: door open at all times, no sleepovers (what a stupid rule, I should be able to have sleepovers. If not, I'll sneak Liam in through the window), no funny business please but if you really have to be careful, things like that. I think out of all of them, my cheeks were the darkest and I didn't even have to say anything. My parents were literally there talking about doing stuff with Liam, of course I was going to blush.

I was saved, thankfully, by the doorbell. Liam's parents. Shit. I forgot about that part of this all. I hadn't really met them properly as Liam's boyfriend, and I didn't know if they hated me for everything that had happened with Liam coming out and disappearing and everything. Probably. He was their perfect son and I had changed him. Or maybe I had just helped him come out of his skin more, but they might still blame me for that. Either way, I was suddenly rather nervous about it all. I think I had a right to be though.

I quickly got up from the table to go and grab Liam from upstairs for comfort or anything, but my mum was two steps ahead of me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the door, standing behind me with her arms crossed. She wanted me to open it. I was going to die. Probably. She probably wanted that because of everything I'd put her through in the past week.

Clearing my throat, I opened the door, putting on my most genuine smile as I saw Liam's parents standing there in the doorway. I really hoped my hands weren't sweating as much as it felt like they were. Swallowing my nerves and wiping my hands on my pants, I cleared my throat. "Mr and Mrs Payne, hi. I'm Niall, and this is my mum." I said carefully, not wanting to do anything too stupid. I sheepishly offered a hand out for one of them to shake. Please don't be sweaty. Liam's father was the first one to step forwards, shaking my hand and smiling kindly at me. But that could have been fake and he was going to take the chance to drag me away and kill me for making his son someone who no one thought he was just over a week ago. Maybe that's why my mum was hovering.

"Hello, Niall. I believe we've met briefly before. You're Liam's boy, yes?" Was the first thing he said, and I tried my hardest to fight back the little smile that wanted to creep on to my face at the way it sounded. Liam's boy, I liked that.

"Uh, yes sir. That's me."
"Lovely to meet you, Niall." Liam's mother was the next one to say something, pulling me in for a hug. I tentatively hugged her back before pulling away and moving to stand beside my own mother. I was a little shocked, yes. She hugged me. She didn't slap me. She hugged me. I was going to explode and now I was smiling.

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