Chapter 19

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(Thank you so much to the person who commented some ideas for the story. This is a little bit meh but I felt obligated to update so here you go. I'll try and update sooner next time. xxx (And again, if someone wants to design a cover for this story that would be great) :D )

Niall's POV

"I only ran away because I don't want people to hate me." Really Liam? Really? That is your shitty excuse? Honestly, even a rat could come up with a better reason for why you left me laying on the ground after kissing me and then preceding to treat me like a piece of trash. Guess what, pretty sure I hate you.


"It's true! You know I was bullied. I had move schools because of it. You really think I want that to happen again? I came here to get away from that. I saw how you were treated and I didn't want to get the same treatment. Can't you understand that?"

I sighed and looked away from Liam, wrapping my arms around my body and frowning slightly. I understood slightly where he was coming from but I still don't get him. If he didn't want to be made fun of for kissing me then why the hell would he have kissed me in the first place? "You're really not making any more sense to me than you did the first time Liam. If you didn't want anyone to know then why in the world did you kiss me in the first place?"

"I don'r know. You just looked really kissable in that moment and truthfully I was thinking about kissing you when you asked me if I had ever kissed a boy and who I wanted to kiss."

Liam and I were still sitting under the tree and I had forbidden Liam from kissing me again until he explained himself to me. And his explanations were pretty shitty if I say so myself. He wasn't telling me anything that was worth the pain he put me through. "If you didn't want to be bullied then why did you say what you said to my brother about me? And if you didn't want to be bullied you could have just asked me, you know." I said quietly, shrugging and wrapping my arms around my body as though that would protect me from any harsh words that came my way.

"Because he was angry at me and I was trying to get back at him. I didn't mean it."

"He believed you, you know. He believed that I would do that to someone. You have no idea how much I hated you." I whispered, shaking my head and looking the other way. "Was kissing that girl to get back at me for whatever it is that I did? Or were you just trying to prove to everyone that you're straight even though I was the only one who knew you kissed me?" I asked and I watched him nod his head slightly and look away.

I couldn't help but sigh at Liam. His excuses were shit and I didn't believe them one bit but I had to forgive him because I truthfully couldn't stay mad at him. Liam had part of my heart and the rest of it wanted to follow. So I took the matter into my own hands and climbed on to Liam's lap, my hands tangling in his hair as I kissed him again and I didn't let him get away until the bell rang, both of our lips red and swollen but he looked relieved that I hadn't yelled at him to go away. Liam most defiantly deserved it but then he would look like a kicked puppy and that would make me feel worse about everything. I walked with him back to the school and pressed one last kiss to his lips before heading inside and to my locker.

I spent the rest of the school day in a daze, thinking about Liam but it didn't hurt anymore, not really. I wasn't thinking about the bad things that Liam did to me, more about the way Liam's arms had encircled my body as we kissed and the way he smiled against my lips. It made me flush darkly and grin like an idiot as I pressed my face against my hand. When I walked out of the school at the end of the day I heard someone call my name and instead of ignoring them like I would have before, I turned around to look and see who it was.

Liam was heading towards me, jogging a little so he could catch up and I stopped walking for a few seconds to let him do so before I started walking again. I didn't know where Nick was. He hadn't come up and tried to get me to go home with him like he normally did. I smiled shyly at Liam and bit my lip, looking around before I reached over and took Liam's hand. We hadn't talked about anything but I had been acting more couply like towards him. Even though he hadn't been starting the affection he returned it. He laced out fingers together and I slowly moved closer to his side, so that we were brushing shoulders as we walked. "Hi," I whispered softly, looking up at him and licking my lips.

"Hey. Do you mind if I come back to yours today?" He asked quietly, biting his lip and I leant up to tug it out with my own.

"That's fine." I said softly, resting my head on his shoulder for a moment before going back to walking by his side.

When we got home I unlocked the door and as soon as we were up in my room Liam pushed me back against my bed and crawled over me, pressing our lips together. I tangled my hands in his hair and kissed him back, laying under him for a while. I pulled back when the bedroom door was pushed open and I sat up and peaked over Liam's shoulder to see Nick standing in the doorway with a shocked look on his face. I blushed and slowly moved backwards a little and Liam got the hint to come and sit beside me instead of on top of me.

Everyone sat there in silence for a moment before Nick made a motion for me to come over to him and talk in the hallway. After I was out of the room he shut the door and turned to look at me with a look in his eyes that meant he was angry, and disappointed and annoyed and basically nothing good. I hung my head and cleared my throat before shaking my head. "It's none of your business." I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're my brother. Of course it's my business. Last time you were with him you broke Niall. I'm not letting that happen to you again."

"It's not going to happen again. Leave us alone." I huffed before pushing open the door and walking back into the room and over to my bed. I sat down and pulled my homework from my bag, laying on my stomach with my knees bent and my feet in the air as I started working through it, feeling Liam shift to lay beside me as well. I raised an eyebrow at Nick when he stood there and didn't do anything and he promptly turned around and left my sight, walking down the stairs loudly. A few moments later the front door slammed shut.

I sighed sadly and rolled so that I could press my face against Liam's bicep for a moment before wiggling myself under his arm and against his warm chest, hiding my face. "He's mad at me." I mumbled and soon enough Liam's arms wrapped around me reassuringly and I was pulled in closer.

"I'm sure you'll fix things easily enough." He murmured softly, his chin coming to rest over my head so I was comply surrounded by him. It made me feel slightly better but it wouldn't be entirely better until Nick and I made up. He never even talks to me about anything anymore. It made me sad. I felt like he was hiding something big from me. More and more over the past few weeks he's been out of the house for long hours and sometimes even overnight and he never tells me where he goes.

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