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Streaking across the desert plains in a shadow fueled charge, Betrayal snorted unhappily at the blowing sand. Sitting atop in its black leather was Damiana, Anti-Christ turned 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse. Unlike her feared brothers, Damiana wasn't entirely well known....
They never let her go on missions with them...
'But this time is different! I'm not a child anymore.' Damiana thought encouragingly, smiling broadly.
It was simple, yet Death stressed it so much!
"Finally they're taking me seriously, took it long enough! All I need to do is to take this really important parcel to that Vulgrim guy and I'm done!" She laughed happily, urging Betrayal into a faster gallop.
After a couple of moments, Damiana slowly began to connect the dots in her head.
"Bastards!" She roared, forcing Betrayal to a screeching stop.
"I knew it was too good to be true." She hissed, jumping down from the saddle.
'They sent me on a fool's errand, son of a-' her cheeks turned a tinge of red and she stomped up to the demon merchant's temporary store.
"I actually trained thinking this was a life threatening errand...how dumb I must look," she scoffed, opening the parcel and frowned at the contents inside.
Damiana walked into the store and threw the pouch at the distracted Vulgrim.
"Oh...this is what your brother, Strife, owes me, correct?" He called after Damiana.
"Sure, yeah, what the HELL ever!" She called back, tearing off towards a different direction.
"I knew it, I flipping knew it." Damiana grumbled, glancing at Shadow, her hellhound, as it entered her bedroom.
Shadow gave her a questioning look and leapt onto the bed, snuggling against her master's side. Damiana sighed dramatically and buried her head into her pillow, feeling as if she were about to cry.
"So....you're crying because...?" Shadow replied.
"I'm not crying...I feel like crying."
"Riiight....so, you 'feel' like crying because your brothers still see you as a child? Sounds like exactly what a young child would do if it doesn't get it's way."
"Shut up, you're not helping!"
Shadow sighed deeply and looked outside the window.
"They're back, by the way."
"Like I care," Damiana replied, cursing herself as a tear escaped her crimson eyes.
Shadow rolled its eyes and jumped down from the bed, ready to greet the incoming horsemen. She looked back to see if Damiana would follow her, but slowly shook its head as Damiana stubbornly laid there, head buried in the pillow.
Damiana listened carefully as the door opened and growled in disgust to herself.
"Yes, Damiana is here...she's upstairs crying." She heard Shadow say.
"I am NOT crying!" She called.
"She's crying..."
Damiana stood up and turned to close her door, but quickly groaned in agitation.
The lone figure of the other female horseman, Fury, stood shyly at Damiana.
"May I come in?" She asked quietly.
"No." Damiana hissed, pulling the pillow over her head.
Ignoring Damiana's rudeness, Fury crossed over her threshold and sat next to Damiana.
"I said no."
"And I did it anyway." She said, laughter apparent in her voice.
Damiana rolled her eyes and looked away from the smiling Fury.
"How was your first mission?"
"Great, especially when I found out it was a fool's errand, that was the best part!" Damiana growled.
Fury sighed deeply and slowly stroked Damiana's hair, deep in thought.
"Please stop touching me."
"Listen...we know how badly you want to help...but you're too young,"
"I'm over a century old!" Damiana grumbled, sitting up.
"Correct, and that's still pretty young....compared to me, you're a baby." Fury cooed, hugging Damiana about the shoulders tightly.
Damiana rolled her eyes and allowed the female horseman to embrace her, knowing full well no matter how hard she would try, Damiana couldn't escape Fury's grip. Gradually, Fury let go of the tensed Damiana and stood up, flipping her long red hair in the process.
"We can go over this downstairs...the others and I have much to tell you about."
Damiana smiled faintly and looked towards the window. When Fury was out of earshot, she mumbled;
"And again with the stories of how much better you guys are than me."

Darksiders: Among the Shadows (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now