Portugal, 1350

195 12 3

Damiana sighed deeply as she pushed past the many people of the long dead race; humanity. This wasn't exactly the funnest mission the Council sent her on, but, at least it wasn't boring.
'I can't believe I have to detain this angel...how the hell did he even get a chronosophere?' She pulled dark hood closer to her pale face, hoping to ward off the intimidating stares from the many pheasants crowding the cobblestone streets.
"Olhe para aquela menina!" Some muttered, parting way to allow Damiana to pass.
Damiana smiled and pulled over to the market place, looking up at the orange sky.
"Olá, bro, onde estão as igrejas abandonadas por aqui?,"she smiled at a merchant, hoping she was pronouncing everything right.
"Oh bondade para o céu!" The merchant gasped, running away.
"What?!" She called, stomping her foot.
Humans are so jittery...
'At least I can see humans again...even though I can't stay long...' she thought, glancing down at the chronosphere bracelet the Council had given her to complete this mission.
She continued walking down the street, looking away at the many bodies strewn across the sidewalk. Women cried over their fallen husbands and children remained at their doorways, parentless. This was the time of the Great Plague:
The Black Death.
"Why the hell would the angel come here?' Damiana thought privately, soon coming up to an abandoned church.
She gingerly sniffed the air and smiled faintly.
"Ah, he's in there." She muttered, griping the handle of her blade, .
Damiana approached the grand wooden doors and laid a hand on the scratchy surface, shivering as the wood itself burned her palms.
This wasn't the best place for a demon...
Even if it were half...
Shaking away the pain, The 5th horseman pushed open the doors and skipped inside, hoping she could find the rogue angel before the pain became too great. She went up the stairs and glanced in the chapel, then the attic, then finally; the window leading outside to the Church's Garden.
Sitting atop a large head stone, an angel about 17 celestial cycles with dark purple, almost black, wings. His armor glinted softly in the setting sun's light. He turned to look at Damiana, who jumped from the top window to the ground quietly.
"Horseman? What do you require from me?" He asked, gold eyes burning into Damiana's. His voice was muffled because of his scarf, which obscured the bottom half of his pointed face.
"The Council requests your presence, come with me, um,"
"Zareal and fuck your Council, I don't have to do anything." He growled, looking away.
"That's not a nice attitude."
"Okay, and?"
Damiana rolled her eyes and knew straight away that this angel were to be detained if she wanted to finish this mission. Ever so carefully, Damiana reached down to her hook like blade, , and gripped the handle.
"Come quietly, now." She warned, bringing up the blade.
The Fallen angel glanced over to snap something back at her. When he spotted the blade in her hands, Zareal stretched his large wings and took to the sky. Damiana growled and swung her blade like a lasso, eyes straining to get used to the angel's abnormal speed. When she spotted the weak spot, Damiana heaved the blade above her head and hung on to the heavy chain attached on the end.
The hook of the blade struck the angel's bare arm, making him screech out in pain. Instead of stopping, Zareal sped up, gaining enough speed to lift Damiana up from the ground.
"GAH, put me DOWN!" she called, looking down at the ground.
Zareal continued his frenzied flight, hoping to halt the horseman enough to allow him to leave. Knowing what he must do, Zareal brought up an odd object with a bright blue glow to it and uttered something to it. Before Damiana could summon enough courage to let go, a large portal appeared just below her.
Zareal smirked and quickly pulled the hook like blade from his arm, allowing Damiana to fall helplessly into the portal. Turning to go back into the church to heal his wound, Zareal cried out in suprise. He looked down at his shin guard and his face instantly fell.
Damiana's other blade was stuck fast in on of the strap loops...
"Damn..." he muttered, falling inside the portal as well.
Damiana crashed against the hard ground, cringing when she heard a faint crack. She pulled up her arm and sighed angerily when the chronosphere gem was broken to pieces.
"ZAREAL, I KNOW YOURE HERE!" She screamed, looking aroung.
Rolling her eyes, Damiana looked behind her and spotted a large army in the distance, quickly closing in.
"What the hell?" She muttered.
"What business have you here, demon?" A voice hissed from the sky, landing noisily behind her.
Standing behind her was the 3rd horseman, Strife, and close behind were the other four and bands of angels.
"Strife? What're you doing here?" She asked.
Strife's yellow eyes turned to slits full of malice and he put his hand on one of his pistols, Redemption.
"How do you know of my name, I don't know yours." He said finally.
"Of course you..." Damiana started.
She looked back at the army behind the two and back at the angels and the horsemen, then repeated the process.
"You never answered my question, are you a spy?" Strife demanded, cocking the pistol.
"What, no, I-"
Strife rolled his eyes and pulled the trigger, bot caring to hear the stammering Damiana's poor explanations. Damiana closed her eyes, anticipating the bullet to hit. When it didn't, she opened her eyes, hoping Strife didn't wait for her to open her eyes to kill her.
He can be cruel like that...
Instead, a large female angel with an even larger sword stood before her. On the flat of her blade, a single burned circle tarnished its radiant glow, suggesting she was the one who deflected the bullet with her sword.
The angel herself was...magnificent, glorious, god like even. Standing just 3 heads taller than Strife, the angel's wings were large enough to hold the sky itself. They had a pink and gold hue to them, reflecting the harsh sun's rays, giving them a radiating look. Her hair was that of the sun, stands curving and twisting with such grace even with a heavily armored helmet on.
She wasn't exactly skinny or fat, but was right in between, thick in all of the right places and skinny in all of the others. Unlike most of her brethren, the angel wasn't heavily armored, only in all the vital spots. In the other spots, she wore a flowing gown with the color of the purest white.
But her eyes...
They were bluer than the deepest depths of any ocean known to anyone....
"Are you okay?" She asked, voice filled with everlasting friendliness.
Damiana knew right away who she was...
"She's a spy, Muriel, she probably already told the others of our arrival." Strife defended.
The one named Muriel chuckled and gently put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it with reassurance.
"Oh, Strife, be more trusting..." she laughed.
"Now," she began, turning to Damiana.
Much to Strife's apparent disappointment, Muriel's hand slid away from his shoulder.
"Who are you...you smell of both angel and demon." She said.
"I don't remember seeing her before." Strife intervened.
"That's because I'm...not what you think...I'm not a nephilim."
"Well, that's obvious."
"Muriel, the army approaches, what shall be our first course of action?" A large hellhound appeared next Muriel.
It bore familiar markings as...
The hellhound looked over at Damiana and tilted its head in confusion.
"Do I know you?"
Before Damiana could answer, a large figure tackled her, pushing her into another chronsophere portal.
"You stupid bastard, that was my mother!" Damiana hissed, grasping Zareal by the neck.
The two twisted and fought through the swirling blue depths, one in defense and the other in fury. Soon, Damiana sat on top of the Fallen Angel and pulled her fist back to land a shattering punch across his jaw.
"Get the hell off! You were ruining the past!" He retorted, deflecting her blow.
As Damiana struggled to detain the angel, the two appeared on top of a stone table, surrounded by suprised beings.
"Gimme the damn Chronosphere!" She screeched, clawing at Zareal's arm.
"Get the fuck off!"
Damiana opened her mouth to scream something less desirable, but looked around and instantly stopped. The beings surrounding the table weren't normal beings, infact on of them looked extremely familiar.
Actually, two of them....
Fury and Death both blinked at the two fighting, among the 13 others surrounding the table.
"What the-" Death began, trying to shake the shock away.
Forgetting the Angel, Damiana looked down and raised an eyebrow at the map. There were many 'X' s across the lands and one land in particular was circled. Slowly, she looked back up at Death and smiled.
"OHMYGOD, you DO have a face!"She gasped, reaching out to touch the younger no-masked Death.
"You are not ruining-" Zareal sneered, snatching Damiana into another portal.
Finally, the two fell from the sky and onto the unforgiving sand. Zareal hit the ground first, back first, onto the ground. Damiana landed soon after, landing on top of him.
"OW, THE HELL!" Zareal huffed.
"Don't yell at me! You're the one with the heavy armor, not exactly the BEST place to land!" Damiana hissed.
She slowly sat up, laying a hand on Zareal's chest to steady herself, and streched her back.
"You know...you're kinda pretty for a demon." He smirked, laying perfectly still.
"Shut your-"
"You two are in a very suggestive postion," a quiet voice rang from the side.
Damiana looked to the side and sighed deeply. There her brothers were, alk four of them, at the wrong place at the right time. She looked down at Zareal, whom she was still sitting on top of, and looked back at Death, Strife, Fury, and War.
"This is NOT what it looks like!" She hissed.
"Its perfectly what it looks like." Fury teased, blushing.
Death sighed angerily and snatched Damiana up from Zareal. Motioning for War to grab the Angel, Death pulled Damiana to the side.
"I want you to know-"
"I swear there was nothing more than fighting!"
"Um...no, stop messing with time, this is your very last time with this. I shall voice my concerns about this to the Council."
"How do you know I was- I was forced to!"
"I don't think it was possible for you to have appeared in that meeting with Fury and I when you were only born a century and a quarter ago, don't do that again." He warned, turning to summon Despair.
"And yes, I do have a face...you just won't see it again." He called over his shoulder.
'We shall see...'
"I'm going to go somewhere real quick, don't wait up for me!"

Darksiders: Among the Shadows (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now