42. Does YOUR chat know about them?

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Thanks for the requests guys, I'm now well rested, and full of energy to write :D

You tried not to, but yes. Just his chat spread that news like wildfire-. Dream didn't seem to mind, and that was the only reason you did.

Kinda? They're fairly positive you guys are something up, just like Gogy's chat, but they can't really confirm anything. Just that you live together.

It's a little hard to find a relationship, when the other person won't fuckin let you go- Manz cuddled you, even if your live. Everyone sees. He does not care.

You two are too much of a lovely dovey couple to keep the relationship hidden- praises, hugs, kisses, the whole package- everyone knows, and they all think it's cute.

Nah. Y'all kinda just- have an online rivalry to keep up, so you gotta act like y'all hate reach other for that c l o u t.

You both cover it up with jokes. Y'all "joke" about you being one on the many women/men/people infatuated with Tommy- it's fun. Even if the statement is the exact opposite.

You have already come out and said that you were dating. Occasionally you two will be a lil adorable, but that's more like- head pats and shit, nothing extreme.

You originally wanted to keep it secret, but uh- nah, chat found out real fucking fast, cause most of them came from Wilbur. They come to tease you about his bragging-

Y'all don't exactly hide it, it's just that chat is too oblivious to the relationship- they legit think y'all cuddle on streams for the memes. And- they're not fully wrong-

Hell. No.
Hell nah.
You want it underwraps for as long as he wants to. You want to respect his boundaries and more.

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