Chapter One

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Song - "Perfectly Splendid : The Newton Brothers"

The smell of evergreen trees filled the air as the candle neared its end. I whistled a tune of peace as I took out a bottle of wine and poured myself a glass. I had been living in New York for a little over a year now in hopes of finding performance opportunities. I'd always wanted to be a performer and I guess you could say I am one at the moment. I'm a background dancer for a small singer at a nearby vintage club called The Grace. The gig turned out to be more disappointing than I had realized. I was practically a 1960s stripper. I was too naive to realize it at the moment and now I'm stuck. My manager, Jack, told me there were ways for me to work my way up, however. Sadly, I took him up on that offer.

I rested my head on my hand and tilted my head to look out the windows. The city was alive and full of life as the lights shined. I hopped down from my stool at the island and threw on a record.  I then fastened my sheer robe before a song danced throughout the apartment.

I don't remember much about my past. I lived with my mother majority of my life and hopped around to different family members whenever things got dark for her. That's the summary of it I suppose. My dad died when I was 16ish I think. I don't exactly remember since I don't really like to think about it very much. My brother and I were distant ever since the divorce. This biggest blank in my mind is that I could never remember the summer of my 17th birthday. Maybe it had something to do with my medication.

I felt a pair of hands snack their way around my waist and soon, kisses trailed down my neck. Jack whispered countless dirty things in my ear and I did my best to fake every reaction. This wasn't the life I had imagined for myself.

As his hand slid into my underwear, my phone rang. Thank god. I slipped away from him and was quick to view the caller ID.

Derry, Maine.

"Sorry" I looked back to him.

"It's alright. I'll be in the bedroom" he kissed my hands.

I shot him a fake smile and told him I'd be quick as he headed down the hallway. I double checked to make sure he was gone before picking up, slightly scared.

"Hello?" My voice shook.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice asked. "It's Mike Hanlon, from Derry."

I don't know why, but shivers ran down my spine. "Hi" my voice cracked. "'ve you been?"

He cut me off. "Y/n, you need to come home."


"It's starting again"

My mind was spinning and I couldn't grasp the situation. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about. You made a promise, just like the rest of us 27 years ago."

"I'm sorry, Mike. I-I can't even remember..."

"Exactly. You can't remember the things you should. You can't even remember why you have that scar on your hand." My hand began to flare up in pain from the scar and I couldn't help but wince. "No one else could remember either. Eddie, Ben, Richie, Bill, Stan..."

"Stan." I remembered and unfamiliar scenes floated through my head. A book, a dance, and even a kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n. We don't have much time." He said before hanging up.

My hand was shaking as I struggled to set the phone down. I took a deep breath in a pushed my hair back before heading to my room. Jack was filling out work on his computer and his eyes switched to me as I stepped inside.

"Took you long enough. Who was that?" He asked as he took my hand and pinned me underneath him.

"Just an old friend." I admitted as he brushed my hair out of my face before kissing me. Before things could get too out of control, I backed away. "Jack, I need to go back home for a bit."

He scoffed in disbelief. "When?"

"Tonight" I sat up from the bed. "If I pack now, I can drive up and be there by morning." I began to fish through my closet for clothing.

"You have a show tomorrow night." He explained

"Jack, please..."

He took a deep breath in before saying, "This is the last time you get to pull your "great sex" card on me." He lifted my chin with his fingers before kissing me.

A/N - Hi everyone!!! I am so excited about this sequel. I have so many new ideas and can't wait to share them with you all. Again, I am always open to recommendations and suggestions. Who do you want Y/n to end up with in the end?

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