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The next morning, everyone was sitting at the table eating their breakfast. Y/n looked up, she could see the tension around them but didn't know what was wrong.

Jisoo: "Hey, finish your food and go get your things"

Y/n: "Okay"

Y/n finished her food and left the table, Jisoo sighed, "So, I'm gonna get a job, look for one at least. At least someone should care about Y/n"

Dad: "We care about her, you put too much stress on yourself about her"

Jisoo: "She's already struggling, why make it harder on her. She's lucky I'm her sister, because if she was by herself as an only kid, then that girl would suffer"

Mom: "You need to calm down"

Jisoo: "No, you need to help out. I gotta go, I have school"

Jisoo got up and went to grab her bag. Y/n was on her phone waiting for her sister to finish. They both left, and started their walk to school

Y/n: "So what's going on?"

Jisoo: "What do you mean"

Y/n: "You, mom, dad...I can basically see the tension floating around"

Jisoo: "It's nothing, you have nothing to worry about"

Y/n: "I know you guys argue a lot, I can see the anger on your face and the patience in mom and dad's"

Jisoo: "Have you been reading their lips?"

Y/n: "No, only because I feel like you want me nowhere near that conversation"

Jisoo: "That's true, so good. When me and our parents argue, I don't want you anywhere near it"

Y/n: "Is it about me?"

Jisoo: "No, it's about me and them"

Y/n: "I can tell you're lying. You bite your lip when you lie"

Jisoo: "I forgot, but drop it. I want to talk to you about Twice"

Y/n: "Okay, what about them?"

Jisoo: "They nice? They respectful"

Y/n: "Yeah, I like them...they were in my dream last night"

Jisoo: "Huh?"

Y/n: "Oh we're at school. Sorry gotta head to class"

Y/n took off, quickly went to her locker and then the classroom, Sana walked over "How are you?"

Y/n smiled and gave a thumbs up, but she couldn't hide the shock on her face. She looked at Sana to see if she knew more

Sana noticed, "That's all I know actually"

Y/n didn't know where Sana learned it, but when she looked over, they said hello to her in sign.

Jisoo walked in and sat down facing Y/n, making her face her, "What's up with you today?"

Y/n: "Nothing"

Jisoo: "You ran from me when I just said huh, I'm not gonna judge you for a dream, you like them, but who is it you have a crush on, or is it all 9 of them"

Y/n: "They're cute, nice, and actually make me feel like I belong, well besides you and your friends"

Jisoo: "That's good, okay. So get to know them better and maybe see who you actually have a crush on"

Y/n: "Sana asked me how I was in sign"

Jisoo: "That's really cool, did she tell you where she learned it"

Y/n: "No, can you ask her"

Jisoo: "She wants to know where you learned?"

Sana: "We are learning for you"

Jisoo: "Caught that?"

Y/n: "Yeah, see what I mean"

Jisoo smiled and looked to the front as Sana walked back to her desk. Y/n didn't pay much attention to class, she just daydreamed the entire time

After class they went back to their lockers, it was calm, no trouble, just a laid back day.

Y/n couldn't help but feel worried for Jisoo because she is becoming like? Over time

(Jisoo: "I made dinner, wash you hands")
(Jisoo: "Clean your room please")
(Jisoo: "Do your homework first, then play on your phone")
(Jisoo: "Take a shower and go to bed. We have school tomorrow")

Y/n was sitting in the couch, and Jisoo was gone again. She goes out after school and comes back after 30 minutes. Everyday for the past 3 weeks. Jisoo walked through the door and sat on the couch

Y/n: "Can I invite some friends over?"

Jisoo: "Why are you asking me?"

Y/n: "Well you've been becoming more mom like, so it felt right."

Jisoo: "Sure, who?"

Y/n: "You know who"

Jisoo: "Right, okay. Well I'll go get us all some pizzas, I'll be back"

Y/n: "Use the bike"

Jisoo: "I'm not biking with 4 boxes of pizza"

Y/n: "Then take Dalgom for a walk"

Jisoo: "4 boxes of pizza and a hyper puppy? No thank you"

Y/n tapped her heart and saw Jisoo do the same before leaving. After about 10 minutes, she felt her phone vibrate and saw the message that they were there

Y/n opened the door and let her friends in, they all sat on the couch

Y/n: "So be honest, have you been learning Sign from my sister"

Chae: "Sister..sign...learn"

Tzu: "Yes we have been learning"

Y/n nodded and smiled, she was happy they were learning. "What have you learned?"

Jihyo: "Your puppy is cute"

Nay: "You are funny"

Jeong: "It's hot today"

Momo: "Was lunch good?"

Sana: "You're cute"

Chae: "How was class?"

Dahyun: "Work was hard"

Mina: "Want to play?"

Tzu: "You're short"

Y/n nodded, giving a thumbs up before hitting Tzuyu. She's short but not that short, short compared to Tzuyu.

Y/n pulled out her phone, texting them, "What made you want to learn?"

Mina: "You, we want to learn for you"

Y/n: "That's really sweet"

Dahyun: "Speaking of your sister, where is she?"

Y/n: "She went to go get pizzas 10 minutes ago"

Chae: "That's weird, she'll be here soon"

Y/n: "I hope so"

Y/n saw everyone look at the door, so Y/n turned around to see Jisoo carrying the boxes, they all were hungry, so they just played some movie with subtitles. They were enjoying the moment.

Jisoo didn't miss the sight of seeing Y/n cuddling with Tzuyu...and Mina

Jisoo was just happy that she was able to cuddle with Dalgom

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