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Chaeyoung froze, she had one hand on the doorknob already, but Jisoo grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the couch. Y/n made her way slowly to the couch and sat down next to Chaeyoung.

Jisoo: "I want to know, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"

Chae: "I was teaching her how to skateboard, but as I was teaching her to do a trick, she hurt her ankle. I'm sorry"

Jisoo: "It's all okay, but only for that. I do remember, I specifically told you to not to keep her out late"

Chae: "Oh come on, she's her own person, let her live a little"

Jisoo: "I said bring her back at a reasonable time, I didn't give a time, and didn't restrict her. I don't care about what you do on your date, but hello don't bring her back the Next Fucking Day!"

Chae: "You think you can control her! You're her sister not her mother!"

Jisoo: "I know, but who else does she have?"

Chae: "She agreed she doesn't care about what you think"

Jisoo froze and she looked at Y/n. "Okay, I'm sorry. I am always worried about you. I won't bother you anymore"

She walked to her room, closing the door, Chaeyoung sighed before turning to Y/n "I had fun, but I'm sure you won't pick me after this. Im sorry for how I talked to Jisoo and how much of a bad influence I was"

Y/n: "She's too overbearing, but she cares. I'll talk to her, but yes I had fun too. A lot of fun, it was amazing. I'll see you later Chae"

Chaeyoung gave Y/n a hug before leaving. Y/n got up and went to Jisoo's room, opening it. She sat down on her bed, Jisoo moved and helped her put her foot up

Jisoo: "What's wrong?"

Y/n: "I'm sorry"

Jisoo: "What for?"

Y/n: "You're not mad? I came home a day late"

Jisoo: "Huh? Oh yeah I'm furious, but you don't want me to take care of you. So I'm stepping aside"

Y/n: "What? I love that you take care of me"

Jisoo: "No it's okay, I totally understand. I overstepped my boundaries. You're my sister, I should not act like your mom"

Y/n: "It was my choice to stay out late. I didn't want to come back, I was having so much fun"

Jisoo: "Okay?"

Y/n: "I'm sorry, why are you not doing anything?"

Jisoo: "It's not my job"

Y/n: "I want you to do something"

Jisoo: "I'm your sister, not your mom"

Y/n: "Okay? You said to be home at a good time, I didn't care. I ignored your rule and stayed out a whole night"

Jisoo: "What do you want me to do? Chaeyoung is right, I am your sister not your mom"

Y/n: "Mom was never a mom to me, you were more of a mom than she was but still an even better older sister. You made sure I knew right from wrong, you matured faster than I did. I'm sorry"

Jisoo: "Fine then put phone on my desk. I'll help you take a bath and you're gonna take a nap. You were out all night, you must be tired"

Y/n: "I'm not tired"

Jisoo: "Well that's too bad, isn't it"

Y/n nodded, put her phone down, and went to the restroom with Jisoo following. They finished with the bath, and Y/n was laying down in bed, "If you need anything, ring this bell right here. I'll be in my room, but I'll come running in here"

Y/n: "Okay thank you"

Jisoo: "Get some rest please, and I'll go turn in your prescription for your ankle"

Y/n: "So you won't be here?"

Jisoo: "I'm gonna call them and tell them hopefully they can help me out here. If not then I'll wait till you're awake and we'll go together"

Y/n: "You can't drive"

Jisoo: "I know how to drive, I'm just not legal, but mom and dad don't care. I don't care about what they think. My sister needs me, okay?"

Y/n nodded and watched Jisoo leave as she fell asleep. After about an hour nap, Y/n woke up and sat up in her bed, she got up and used her crutches and went to the living room, shocked to see her sister there

Jisoo: "What are you doing?!"

Y/n sat down "I just woke up"

Jisoo: "I told you to ring the bell, I didn't want you to move"

Y/n: "I'm fine"

Jisoo: "Okay well I have to go to the store, I decided I'm gonna walk so you have to stay here. The dog will watch over you"

Y/n: "I'll go, just drive"

Jisoo: "No you stay here. I just remembered that I have to save money, so if I get pulled over and caught. All the money we saved up for you will be gone"

Y/n: "Don't save up money, I can last"

Jisoo: "No, this is for you. Plus I'm almost there"

Y/n: "You're not a tutor anymore?"

Jisoo: "Nope, they know sign"

Y/n: "What happens if I get asked out on a date?"

Jisoo: "Go on the date, but you have to be back at 11, no later"

Y/n: "Okay"

There was a knock on the door, and Tzuyu was there with some cookies, "Is Y/n here?"

Jisoo: "Yeah, can you stay with her. I have to go to the pharmacy"

Tzu: "Why?"

Jisoo: "Let Y/n tell you"

Tzuyu walked in and was surprised to see Y/n with a cast on her ankle. "What the fuck happened?"

Y/n: "I tried to skateboard"

Jisoo left and went as gone for about an hour, coming back and saw Tzuyu and Y/n kissing. "The fuck!"

Tzuyu pulled off, "Hey Jisoo, lovely weather. I will go"

Jisoo stopped her, "Are yall dating?"

Tzu: "No..."

Jisoo: "Are you gonna take her on a date?"

Tzu: "Yes ma'am"

Jisoo: "It doesn't get any further than a kiss. Got it?"

Tzu: "Yeah, got it. You're such a mom"

Jisoo: "I'm an overprotective older sister, that's it"

Tzuyu grabbed her backpack and left the house. Y/n was sitting on the couch trying to get a look at Jisoo's face to know if she was mad or not.

Jisoo: "So I have 2 medications here, and they are taken in the morning and at night...I think"

Y/n: "You're not mad?"

Jisoo: "No, but you shouldn't be kissing them. You're talking to all of them, make it fair for them. When you decide who you're gonna date, then kiss them. But come on Y/n"

Y/n: "Yeah you're right. I'm sorry"

Jisoo: "Not my job, if Tzuyu kisses you then she does. I know I told her not to, but if she does then she does. So I think it's time to take your medicine, you ready"

Y/n: "Okay, yeah"

Jisoo walked away to get a water bottle then left to grab Y/n's phone. She put both of them on the table, and made sure Y/n took her medicine.

Y/n: "Why did you bring my phone?"

Jisoo: "I'm not in charge. It's your life, I'm your twin. We're the same age. I have no right, and don't ask me to get mad. It's okay, your life, all I ask if make it fair for all of them so it's all even by the time you choose who you want to go on a date with"

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