Chapter 2: Homecoming

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Coming home was something Kiddo dreaded, yet he was elated at the same time. On one hand, he was able to reconnect with his friends, but on the other, he most likely had to confront BlackStar and deal with his temper all over again. Ever since he left, the thought of that night haunted him day and night. It was a storm cloud of emotions and thoughts that never found its rainbow, and when it rained, it poured. Guilt ate at him like maggots feeding on a corpse. Even though BlackStar started it, Kid could've and should've kept his cool.

As the Death Train reached its destination, Kid's pale hands gripped his heavy suitcase just a bit harder. His heart was racing. He hasn't seen his friends for months, and if Kiddo were true to himself, he would admit he missed them dearly. The reaper admired his friends more than he would ever tell. Instead of seeing him as an instant threat— excluding Soul and BlackStar trying to fight him on his first day— they made him feel.. human. With their guidance, arguing, and playful duels, he was able to grow more empathy for humans and embrace that half of himself. They were the only people in the world who made him feel like an equal rather than some sort of deity.

When the train came to a halt, Kid knew this was his stop. As he made his way to the exit, the door slid open to reveal the familiar faces of his closest friends, all except the one who he wanted to see the most.

"Kid!" Patty cheered while running to give the Shinigami a hug, almost knocking him off his feet. The reaper returned the gesture with a pat on her head.

"How was your trip?" Maka questioned as Liz pulled Patty away from Kid to give him a walkway. As everyone gave the reaper their attention, Kid couldn't help but feel an aura of shame surrounding it. Perhaps, it was because the loudmouth Bushin wasn't there challenging him for the spotlight. Either way, it was a tension Kid didn't care for.

"It was fine, I suppose. It was trickier than most, which was why it was chosen for me."

That assumption was most likely true; it wasn't exactly a secret that Death would withhold certain missions for his son, especially ones for higher-class meisters. Call it favoritism; Kid didn't mind. It was just another excuse to expand his knowledge and capabilities. Knowledge is a never-ending spectrum that begs to be explored, at least that's how Kid viewed it.

"Is that why you're so late?" Soul questioned, sliding his hands into his pockets. As the squad ventured towards Death City, Kid couldn't help but feel bittersweet. It was nice to be home after all of the hard work he put in, but something was missing.


"Well," the Scythe master began, her dirty blonde bangs falling perfectly on her forehead. The sunlight made her look absolutely stunning, and symmetrical, Kid might add. "Shubisen is hosting a party for your arrival! Well, it's nothing special—"

"It's a pretty big deal," Soul cut in with a smirk, Maka punching him a little too hard in the arm.

"Ow, what the hell was that for?!"

"What is your deal with interrupting me all the time?! Can't you just wait until I'm finished before you open your big mouth?!"

"Hey, you two," Tsubaki mediated, putting her hands between them. "There is no need to argue."

"It's just a party. What all do you need to explain about it?"

As Kid tuned out Soul and Maka's petty argument, he couldn't help but admire how the clouds were arranged symmetrically around the sun. Each white puff spiraled evenly around the laughing sun with a lovely array of blue behind it. What a beautiful sight! If he weren't with his friends, he would take Beezlebub and get a better look at it.

The reaper's mesmerization caused his feet to drag as he walked, and it seemed like his friends didn't even know he wasn't listening. Before he knew it, the squad arrived at Shubisen.

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