One| His Favorite Show

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ATTN: This is an Original work. Please do not copy the context within. Thank you.

Silence. Everything was quiet. It was healing. 

Underneath the water was where he found his peace. The coldness surrounded him, and the crispness sent spikes and tingles up and down his body. He loved it. 

He exhaled the remaining breath in his lungs as he emerged from the water, thunder crashing in the sky. He had not even noticed it was thundering, or lightning for that matter. For the say in water he felt the safest, he hated the thunder and the flashes that it sometimes brought with it. He swam back to the shore and packed up his beach towel and belongings: his headphones, a neck pillow, phone, and a couple of books. He walked back to his house. It could be seen from the beach.

On his walk, he noticed that the sky turned even more dark and sinister. This storm was going to be a doozy and he knew it was going to be rough for him. A storm's saving grace is the water that falls out of the sky. Kook still did not like it though.

He fiddled with his keys and finally got the door open, right in time for the rain to start falling down hard. He dropped the keys in the key tray next to the door and took off his sandals. He was late for his show, so he decided against taking a shower at the moment. He went to the kitchen to grab a snack.


Jungkook sat on the couch in their loft house attempting to watch tv. He looked at the screen at the actors, but could not focus. A crash of thunder shook the room and he jumped. He could swear the lights had flickered. He looked outside at the rain, then up at the ceiling. One thing he did not like was a thunderstorm, and this was rainy season. He was okay for now, because there was still some sunlight outside, but he would much rather be under the blanket next to or under someone. It was always comforting, even though he was an adult, and he really hated to admit it comforted him. He looked at the fancy lights, then at a large wood beam that spanned the ceiling of the home. He followed it to the upstairs portion of the loft and was met with piercing eyes looking back at him.

Jimin looked back down at him, moving back and forth as he thrust in and out of his current conquest. The top of Minie's body could be seen over the railing, but it blocked him from his bellybutton below. The unknown prey moaned as Minie had sex with him, but that guy was far from what Minie was interested in at the moment. Kookie below latched on to his gaze, wondering why he could not look away. He hated when Minie or Tae did this. Having obnoxiously loud sex in their shared space. Today, Minie was being especially rude because Kookie told them that he wanted to watch his favorite show's new episode tonight.

Minie did not give a damn. His room was right next to Kookie's and he could hear him through the wall all the time. Minie had a lot of sex, Tae also, but not as much.

Tonight was something new. Jimin never paid attention to Kookie. He was older and they were in the same vampire coven. All of their parents were friends and when Kookie finally applied to college, all of the parents agreed that Kookie should live with Jimin and Tae, so they could teach him the ropes and help him, because Namjoon, his older brother, was always busy. Only Tae helped. Minie barely spoke to Kookie.

Why is he looking at me like that? Kookie wondered. While banging someone? He really did not know what to think about Jimin.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed at Minie's face and that broke their stare down. Minie looked back at the person he was fucking and Kookie debated whether he wanted to go into his own room to continue the show, with headphones. No, they were having sex right where the two entrances to their room door were. He did not want to see someone that he had a crush on having sex with another guy. He wanted to leave the apartment, but no! This was his place. He felt like he could tell Tae about Tae's sexual partners and explain the discomfort, but anytime he wanted to tell Minie about his, he would freeze up. Kookie had a crush on Tae, also; both men were beautiful to him, and though his breathing faltered each time he talked to Tae, he was still comfortable enough to talk to him for some reason. This was not the case with Jimin.

Kookie turned back around on the couch and wrapped the blanket around him, looking at the tv again. The muffled sounds from upstairs were not as bad as the moaning a few minutes ago.

He must have flipped him over, face in the pillow. Kookie thought. He chuckled to himself. His mind taking him to dangerous places. He tried really hard not to imagine what was happening on the other side of the railing, not to wonder how Minie's body looked as he worked, but it was really hard when he could hear everything.

A few minutes had past and it was quiet for a while. He did not dare look back upstairs in the meantime. Then "Get out," he heard Jimin say from upstairs. This time Kookie did looked back towards his voice, but he realized Minie was not talking to him. He turned back to the tv when he saw a man begin to walk down the stairs.

Kook was shocked when the man behind him mumbled "Perv," as he passed him.

"Don't you fucking talk to him. Get out," Minie yelled from on top the stairs. Minie stayed there until the man was completely out the door. Then silently went back to his room.

Kookie was glad that was over. It was awkward, and he could feel himself getting excited and tried hard to distract himself with the show, but he could not help wishing that he was the one . . . He turned and continued to watch his show.

About an hour later, Tae walked into the apartment. "Hey, Kookie!" He dropped his bags and sat on the couch next to him.

"Hi, Tete," Kookie mumbled out as Tae made himself comfortable on the couch. Tae loved when Kook called him Tete. It made his insides tingle. He pulled himself under Kookie's blanket and their legs touched underneath. "Ooh, you are warm. You know it is so cold outside."

Kookie took a bold step by scooting closer to Tae. He pressed against his body, but in the most nonsexual way he could muster. "Here, share my warmth." He gave a cute bunny smile as Tae smiled back at him. That was when Kook noticed the blood 🩸 on Tae's chin. His smile faltered a bit and he tried to fix it, but Tae had already noticed it.

In their coven, they were not supposed to kill or even drink human blood. They could drink animals in moderation, but they usually get their supply from animal hospitals and such. It was a deal their coven leaders struck in the past. Drinking from each other was even taboo, except mothers and children. If vampires bit another vampire or human, the person receiving the bite would experience an intense and sinful sense of euphoria. Just bliss and arousal.

Tae smiled, and pressed Kookie's cheek onto his own neck. He could sense Kook's awkwardness, no he could feel it, too, as he was an empath. Tae used his powers to calm Kook, even though he knew Kook did not need it. He just wanted Kook to feel him invading him. "You won't say anything right Koo, it's not ... anything."

Kookie nodded his head looking away. He knew that Tae had bit someone. He wondered who it was, but he was sure it was one of his usual random hookups. If the coven elders found out, he would be in big trouble. Biting humans was prohibited. They were barely supposed to bite each other.

Tae continued to hug him on the couch as they continued to make small talk. Tae sniffed Kookie. He smells so good, like bananas.

" ... and the biology class was not that hard, I passed with the help of Jimin. You should have him help you," Tae offered.

Kookie shifted in his arm, his heart fluttered for the hundredth time because he was already tingling from being so close to Tae. But he did not want to do anything with Jimin. He was too nervous. "That's okay, I can get it myself. Jimin doesn't have to do it."

"Well, if you want him to. He is there," Tae reassured. Kookie rested on his shoulder looking at tv. Tae turned and looked up at the top of the loft. Jimin stood against the railing giving him a saddened look.

Your Oceans| To Love Love - Vminkook 2022Where stories live. Discover now