Thirty One| He Probably Hates Me

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It was around 11 a.m. in the morning.

"Jin, look at this?" Jungkook said. Namjoon, he, Jimin, Jin and Felix were in the living room still sifting through files.

Jin was sending loads of information to a few of the agents at the coven that his father had him contact. "Send it to me, Kookie." His father, Minjin, was on the phone now.

"Jinnie, we have them. This is excellent information. The next time Yeonjun comes home, DO NOT send him back out. He did enough. As for you, I am still not happy that you let him go through with it, but this time I will allow this judgement call of yours." Minjin said. He was also in a room with agents looking through the files that the boys sent over.

"So, are the teams in place?" Jin asked.

"We are preparing the teams. We are looking at the spots on this list and they are mostly all registered to people in the lesser faction. Jimin, we sent out a team to the location we think that Li Choi is located. I will keep you updated," Minjin updated. Jimin heard his father. It was still embarrassing that everyone in the Coven now knew what had happened to him. He wished this could have been more private, but how else would he have his justice? He simply thanked his father and the agents and kept that information to himself.

"Do we know who drugged Yoongi?" asked Felix, he was emailing documents out to random emails, per the request of Jin when he asked Jin how he could help.

"I have a pretty good idea. Two names were popping up on the database and they work at our job. One is our CEO and he was there that night of the party. He also requested that Yoongi or I stay to work on a 'special project'," Namjoon replied. He and Yoongi and Jin all agreed that it was a set up from the start.

Jimin sat behind Kookie, hugging him from behind while on the phone with the police department at his Coven, retelling his story and relaying the information to even more people. At least these are the authorities. They want to help me. He hated retelling the details of his rape.

Minie was not as salty as Tae was about what Yeonjun said earlier, but Jimin was justified in feeling the way he did when Yeonjun said that they were not helping. He was raped, for goodness sakes. That was a traumatic experience and he was doing his part, no matter how reluctantly, to get Li Choi off the street so he wouldn't hurt anyone else in their coven. When Jimin and Tae talked after the cousins's shouting match, Tae broke down to Jimin.

Three hours ago:

"I was not being mean to Jungkook, at all. I just did not want to talk to him at that moment. I have a right to feel angry about that. Neither one of them were being sensible," Tae said pacing around Namjoon's room.

"Tae, calm down," Jimin said quietly from the bed.

"No. Then he says that I am not doing anything to help and that I am being selfish?" Tae continued his rant and his pacing.

"You were doing a great job protecting me and Kookie. Tae, he was angry because we were not backing him," Minie tried to explain a possible reason for Yeonjun's words.

"He said that we don't deserve him, Jimin," Tae broke down crying. "What did he mean by that?"

"I think that is what is bothering you the most. Babe, Kook isn't going anywhere and he still loves us," Jimin reassured. In actuality, Taehyung had been replaying Yeonjun's words and assessing what they meant since the argument. He wondered if Kookie had told Yeonjun anything that would make Yeonjun say that.

"He is mad at me, Jimin," Tae said. "He probably hates me. He was so sad today, I could feel him being sad, but I did not do anything because I was angry with him. What if something had happened to him and that is the last thing he remembered about me, that I was mad at him. I felt him."

"But you did not feel him hate you. I am going to go talk to him and I think you should, too." Jimin advised. "You can feel he still loves you so much. Calm down."


Jimin hung up the phone after relaying more information about his own case to the coven authorities. "Tae thinks you are mad at him." Jimin said. Jungkook was surprised. He turned to the side to see if Jimin was serious.

"I thought he was mad at me," he said.

"He was for a little while, but he started to see what you and Yeonjun were saying. I think everything reignited when Yeonjun came in the room yelling at us. Some of the things his cousin said hurt him, hurt me." Minie said. He hugged Jungkook's back, tightening his grip around his waist. Jungkook's breathing hitched. "You know what hurt him the worse?"

"Hmm?" Jungkook asked, not knowing Tae was hurt.

"When Yeonjun said that we don't deserve you."

"Yeonjun was just looking out for me because he saw that I was crying. You do deserve me." Kook said, eyes wide.

"You were crying? Everyone is making everyone cry now." Minie laughed sweetly. "I think you and Tae should have a talk."


Yeonjun woke up at around 2 p.m., that is what the alarm clock told him from the side table of the bed. He was in between the man and the woman , she had her leg on him and the man had his arm wrapped around Yeonjun's stomach.

A few hours ago, early that morning, he had his innocence. Now it was gone, taken by two people. He did not know how he felt. He did not know if he should feel dirty, but he does know that he was taken advantage of. He was also confused, because although when Joon Ah was taking him, he hurt for a little while, but it felt good a few moments in. With Mi Ah, he was shy but he did enjoy it. He was so confused.

He was comfortable in between them. He knew that they bought him and that it was illegal to buy and treat people like a commodity, but at the same time they made him feel good and safe. He was not sure what their end intention for him would be, but he knew that he would not be around long enough to be fully established into that role.

He got to study their faces throughout the morning, Joon Ah was handsome, chiseled and had big beautiful hazel eyes to say he was Korean. They both had wonderful bodies; he saw every inch of them.

He tried to get up and go to the restroom, but Joon Ah's grip on him was too strong. Mi Ah felt his move.

"Where are you going?" she asked, startling Yeonjun.

"I have to pee."

Mi Ah slapped Joon Ah's arm a few times until he woke up. He mumbled something and moaned, tightening his grip on Yeonjun even more. "Wake up, Joonah. It is time for you and new boy here to take a bath. Haejun!" she yelled. Soon a tall slender boy ran into the room. "Go prepare a bath for Joonah and your new brother," she turned to Yeonjun "You are all family here. You will learn the ropes here as the days go by. You will forget your old life, hence why I did not ask your name. I decided that I will name you Riki. That is what you will go by here."

"The water is running, madam. I prepared the oils and bubbles like Joonah likes," Haejun replied, stepping back in the room after they all heard the water begin to run.

"Go you two." Mi Ah instructed.

Joonah got out of the bed and gently pulled Yeonjun out and placed him on his feet. Yeonjun followed as Joonah led the way. Into the astoundingly large bathroom.

The bathroom was large, almost like a small jacuzzies and marble, and it had columns on all four sides. Joonah got in and he turned to Yeonjun looing him up and down. "Get in Riki."

Yeonjun moved into the tub. The water was hot, but not unbearable. When he got in, he moved to sit on an opposite side of the tub. "Come here Riki," He moved closer to Joonah. Joonah pulled him on his lap. He was low enough in the tub that Joonah could put his head on Yeonjun' hair. He grabbed Yeonjun's penis and began to stroke in the tub. Yeonjun began to move his hips in unison with Joonah. Next Joonah began kissing Yeonjun's neck.

He whispered to Yeonjun, "I will train you well, Riki."

Suddenly, Yeonjun realized that he had not checked in with his family for a while.

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