Nine| Look, If You Want Me To Agree With You, I Am Not

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ATTN: This is an Original work. Please do not copy the context within. Thank you.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!

Who could that be at this time of night? Hobi thought as he looked at his phone on his bedside table. 3 a.m.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! He listened closer and could hear voices outside yelling. He moved out of his room and towards the front door of his side of the duplex. He opened the door and saw Yoongi standing there with an angry expression. His heart would be racing, if he had not noticed that something was wrong.

"Yeah, yeah you go!!" Hoseok could hear Jin yell further away outside of the apartment, then a door slammed a few moments after.

"Woah," escaped Hoseok's lips.

Though there was an angry expression on his face, his words were more sad and unsteady. Hoseok did not have to use his powers to feel that. "Um, can I please stay here for the night? I'll be gone later during the day. I just would like to t-to get some sleep. Until the sun comes up. Please."

"S-sure, sure, come in," He ushered Yoongi inside and closed the door. Yoongi plopped on the couch. "No, no, you can sleep in my bed, I will take the couch."

"I don't want to do that, Hoseok, it is your bed. This couch is fine for me. I am intruding," He began.

"No, you are not intruding, you are welcome here. I want you to go to the bed and I will go get myself a blanket. Follow me." He led Yoongi to the room, actually pulling his hand. "Get in." He already had the covers pulled back from when he had gotten up a few minutes earlier. Yoongi was hesitant at first, but eventually crawled in.

Hobi looked at him as he adjusted. His face still reflected the situation that just took place, even though he smiled at Hobi. "Thank you." Hobi pulled the covers over him. Then, cautiously Hobi began to inquire.

"It is rare that I have ever heard Jin yell like that. What happened, if you don't mind?"

Yoongi shook his head, reviewing the moments he just had with his older brother. "He and I got in an argument. That was it."

"I mean, it must have been bad for you to leave," Hobi said. "He's your family, almost like my family! You know Jin is one of the kindest people. Why-"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Look, if you want me to agree with you, I am not."

"Argument about what?"

"Sibling stuff, since we are family. That's all." Hoseok put both his hands up in a 'I mean no harm' type of way from Yoongi's cold response. Yoongi closed his eyes as he exhaled, realizing that he did not want another person mad at him tonight.

"I did not mean to offend-" he started.

"No," Hobi cut in. He felt he pried too much. "I'll let you get some sleep." He began to get up, walking to the light switch and shutting the door. Yoongi sighed, feeling as though he had just insulted a person who was only doing a good deed. Tonight was frustrating. The whole situation started when Jin warned Yoongi about the dangers of their powers. Jin could travel back in time, which was super rare for vampires, if only for a few hours at a time, and Yoongi was starting to develop his. Not every Time Vampire had this ability, and the ones who did had to tread carefully. There were many restrictions. Yoongi could only travel back seconds, as his was still developing because he was younger, but it was clear that he had this ability, also. All Yoongi did was explain some of the things he would go back and fix in time, and it led to a catastrophe.

I can't even fix this situation with a friendly and happy Hoseok. Tears began to roll down his face, silently he sat on the bed.

Suddenly the room door swung open, "Here are extra pi—" Hobi stopped as he saw Yoongi's face. The air in the room was solemn. He threw the pillows at the top of the bed. "Yoongi."

"I am okay, Hoseok. Thank you for the pillows. I am okay. I'm okay," He sniffled a big sigh, and more tears than ever streamed out of his eyes. In all the years they had lived nearby in their Coven, Hoseok had never known Yoongi to . . . cry. His inner empath was itching to probe. He wanted to hug him, hug him so bad. So, he decided to do just that, hoping that Yoongi would accept the sympathy. Yoongi was thankful for the embrace, he paused time there for a few minutes. Hobi was used to Jimin doing this, so he knew what the sensation was.

"You stopped time," he commented, "around us."

Yoongi backed up from his embrace, dropping his arms. "Sorry, I didn't think you noticed." He was embarrassed. Hobi was secretly jumping up and down inside, and thanked the Gods in the heavens that Yoongi was not the empath. He loved this guy and it was an honor for him, his crush, to want to elongate his hug.

"No, no. I want you to be comforted so pause for as long as you like."

Yoongi nodded, but a few minutes later he asked, "Hoseok?"


"C-can you s-sleep in here tonight with me," Yoongi asked softly.

Hobi yeeted inside, but instead he answered calmly with "Yes. Yeah of course."

Yoongi scooted over in the bed. Hobi climbed in on side of him. To Hobi's surprise, Yoongi wrapped his arm around him when they lied down. He felt Yoongi's emotions seep into him and he pried further. He felt all the emotions from this night, but the one thing he did find was calmness and warmth that Yoongi felt from the current moment.

Am I doing that?

He wrapped his arm around Yoongi's torso. The older eventually fell asleep.

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