
118 12 3

Present Day
London, UK

                               <<REY's POV>>


      "I will stop you!" I declared, after hearing her heart wrenching tale.

Leaning over the deck of the Tower Bridge, she shot me a sceptical look.

"What do you mean?"
She asked, baffled.

"What do you think you're doing, Taani? Do you think that you're doing yourself or him a favour by continuing this charade? Do you think you can be happy with him? Maybe you've no idea, but you're walking down a path to self-destruction."

She looked away, shrugging dismissively.

"Believing that your gay husband would somehow magically turn into a straight, loving husband is downright stupid."

She sighed, closing her eyes.

"I know a lot of gay men. They never become straight. They stay the way they are. All their lives. Your so called mother in-law is just fooling you. She doesn't want you to leave her son."

She opened her eyes to look at me.

"You know you are walking down a wrong path. You know you're chasing an impossible dream. Why not just leave him for his own good? For your own good?" I asked.

"He says he loves me and want to be with me," she said, trying to convince herself.

"That's utter bullshit!" I said, my face expressionless.
"He doesn't love you, Taani. He only loves himself. He's manipulating you so that you don't leave him. And not because he loves you. He is doing this because he wants to keep up this pretence for the sake of his family, the society. He married you to conform the social norms. He is a coward who does not have the courage to face his own reality! Can't you see that?"

"That's not the point-"

"Then what's the damn point?" I asked, irritated at her idiocy.

"The point is .  .  ." She turned her face towards me. "I love him. Despite the fact that he doesn't love me, or he is gay, I love him. And y-you don't leave the people you love. You stay with them. Do you get it now? I can't leave him. I just can't." She shook her head lightly.

"You only think that you love him. The truth is you stopped loving him the day you found out he was gay."

"That's not true!" She shot back. "My love is not bound to his sexuality. Never was. I love him for the person he is."

"Taani you can fool me but you can't fool yourself. Atleast be true to your own damn self."

"Go away, Rey! I was wrong to assume that you had changed. You're as stubborn as ever! I made a mistake coming down here with you!" She screamed, pushing me away.

"I am stubborn? It's you who's stubborn! I don't understand how you continue being so stubborn, so blind, so brainless! He's gay, Taani. He won't love you the way you want him to. Dammit! He would never even make love to you."

"Shut up! You have no right to comment on my personal life!" She glowered at me, blinking rapidly. I couldn't ignore the tears in her eyes.

"Why not? Tell me, did he have sex with you?" I asked, bluntly.

"That's non of your business!"

"Oh yes! It's very much my business. So tell me, did he have sex with you? How are you going to bear his child if he doesn't even touch you?"

"Fuck off, Reyansh! She yelled, walking away. But I didn't let her. I grabbed her by her waist and made her face me.

"I know you're lying, Taani." I whispered. "Stop defending him."

For a moment, we locked eyes with eachother. I could see the pain in them. She wasn't happy in this relationship. I could clearly see she was lying, trying to protect her failing marriage. Before I could wrap her in my arms and comfort her, she squirmed in an attempt to get out of my grip.

"I've had sex with him, and it was very satisfying!" She said, enunciating every word so I could hear it clearly.

Dammit! Another lie!

"You know what?" I whispered back, "You've lost it, Taani. Completely lost it.  .  .  ."

Before I could utter another word,  she raised her hand as if to slap me but didn't. I straightened my shirt and looked up but she had already turned to leave. I didn't try to stop her. Without another word, she walked away, leaving me behind with my misery.


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