The New Life

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Six Years Later
Mumbai, India

I was wearing a maroon-coloured kurta. I usually don't wear kurtas but my Mom and Maasi made me wear it. I had graduated from the University with a leading GPA. I had not only topped my department but also bagged a gold medal. During our final semester, a few foreign universities had made a visit and offered scholarships to some of the brightest students for a master's degree abroad. Luckily, I was one of them. I was chosen for a programme at London Business School. I was ecstatic and overwhelmed. Maa was happy that her prayers had finally been heard, and she wouldn't have to ask her brother for money anymore. To celebrate my achievements, she'd invited all our relatives and close friends. She had prepared a lavish spread— chicken roast, biryani, seekh kebab, kheer and gulab jamuns.
The past six years had whizzed by. I was a changed person now— not the old Rey. I wasn't scared to take on the challenges life threw my way. I was going to live an independent life all by myself in a new place. London, the city of my dreams. The city where I saw myself in the future. I thought back the day Taani left for London. Taani... I had not forgotten her. Even though she had chosen to sever all ties after leaving India, I still thought about her.
'You look dashing, bhai!' Vihaan said, breaking my reverie.
'Not as good as you,' I said, running my hand playfully through his hair.
'Why do you always mess up my hair?' He said in an irritated tone.
'Because you look cute with messy hair,' I laughed.
'Everybody's waiting for you outside. I think you should stop getting ready and go meet the guests.'
'Stop acting like my big brother,' I told him, rolling my eyes.
As I made my way outside, I saw my relatives looking at me with admiration. My young female cousins giggled as I walked past them. I couldn't stop myself from smiling back at them.
I found Maa in the kitchen, setting burfi on a tray. I hugged her from behind.
'Rey... beta, where were you? Why are you so late? You know guests are waiting for you.'
'I know, Maa. I'm Sorry,' I said.
'Acha, chalo, leave me now. There's so much I have to do.' She pushed me away and directed our maid to carry the trays outside.
I made a face. I did not want to go outside and sit and talk to our relatives.
'Rey, come, beta!' Amma called me.
I saw Harman Mamu sitting in a corner, talking to my other uncles. He turned to look at me and then flashed me a warm smile. His face glowed with pride. I was overcome by nostalgia for the time I had spent with him in his office, poring over automotive journals and discussing various business possibilities. He had been a father figure to me.
I suddenly realized that I had not seen Dad all morning. I scanned the room and found him sitting all alone, lost in thought. My maternal family wasn't fond of him. They believed it was a bad decision to let their daughter marry such an incompetent person. Dad, oblivious to my presence, looked at everyone's faces, pretending to be happy. He had changed considerably in the last six years. He had restarted his import-export business amd had done his best to provide for his family. Our financial conditions had slightly improved.
'Dad...' I called out.
'Hmm?' he turned to look at me.
'Have you had lunch?' I asked him.
'Yes, I did, son. You should have it too.'
'Sure,' I said and walked away.
Only a week was left for my departure. Maa was almost done with my shopping. She had packed jars of achar and packets of dry fruits too and had asked me to eat them regularly. I knew I was going to miss her. This was the first time I was going away from my family. Maa did try to put up a brave front, but I knew deep down she was unhappy. Harman Mamu understood me. He told to come back to India if I couldn't adjust there. He even said he would give me the seed money to start my own business in case I decided to return after finishing my degree. But that's not what I had planned. Though I had got a scholarship to study finance, I still wanted to pursue photography. To chase my dreams and live comfortably in London. I had decided go study during the day and work at night. This was the only way to survive in a foreign country.
'Will you miss us, bhai?' Vihaan asked as we lay in our beds the night before I was to leave.
'Ofcourse, I am going to miss you. I am going only for you and Maa; to better our future.'
'Acha, listen, do not forget to send me a new Playstation as soon as you reach.'
'I will send you one as soon as possible.'
'I'll miss you.' he whispered.
'Me too,' I said, tears rolling down my cheeks.
I tossed and turned in my bed for a while but still couldn't fall asleep. Finally, I gave up. I slipped my feet into my slippers and walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. I was surprised to see Dad sitting all by himself in the living room. I stepped closer to check on him.
'Dad... you're still up?'
On seeing me, he sat up with a jerk. He instantly turned his face away to wipe his tears.
'Yes, I woke up for namaz,' he told me, avoiding eye contact.
I could sense that he was upset and this surprised me. I had never thought that my decision to go abroad would affect him like this. I stepped closer to his chair and sat on the floor beside him. I took his hand in mine and looked at him. For a moment, he seemed taken aback.
'I know your heart is heavy with guilt because you haven't been able to provide for us,' I whispered. 'I would be lying if I said I wasn't angry with you. I was angry because I wanted you to do what Harman Mamu did for me. I wanted you to pay for my school and university. All my life I've felt only hatred for you,' I said, a slight tremble in my voice.
Dad looked at me helplessly, tears forming in his eyes.
'Despite everything ... I know you have tried. If you hadn't faced any troubles back then, maybe our lives would have been different.'
   Dad nodded, not looking at me.
      'Dad, i will not say that it's all your fault. It happens. Such is life.'
  He looked at me nodded, tears rolling down his cheeks.
     'I may ignore the fact that you couldn't look after our needs, but I won't ignore the way you treat my mother. Dad, please, while I am away, I expect you to treat her with respect.'
     'I won't. I promise,' he said.
     'I hope you're proud of me, Dad.'
     'Ofcourse, beta,' he said, taking my face in his hands.
       'I am very proud of you. I want you to do what I couldn't. Make your Mother proud.'
   I looked at him and smiled.
      And forgive me. I wish I could have given you a better life.'
  I took his hands in mine and pressed it firmly.
      'Like I said, it's not your fault. You tried your best. Sometimes good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. Life is cruel. The only way to survive is to keep fighting and not give up.'
  Dad nodded and leaned forward and hugged me.
     'I need you to take care of my son. Okay?'
     'Take care of yourself and our family,' I told him.

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