Chapter One

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Middle C, or C4, is supposed to be the middle of a piano. It's where you base off all of your notes. As you go closer to C3, the notes get lower and lower. As you get closer to C5, the notes get higher and higher. Until it's ear piercing. I love how depending on the different range, the song completely changes. It could be either soft, and light hearted. It could be dark and depressing. It could be middle ground, not too light and not too dark.  I like to play wherever my heart tells me to play, because that's the way the piano was meant to be used as. A tool to get away from the dark and depressing, a way for beauty to find a way through an instrument. I love to just let my fingers control, and let me find emotion through the keys. That's how I always wanted to play. To play with my heart, and not just by memorization.

"You have another gig. I hope you won't go off key this time. Maybe I should go with you, just to make sure you wont." Nicholas sneered. The atmosphere was so tense, I didn't know how to sit. I quickly crossed my legs and nodded. He just rolled his eyes.
"Can you say anything other than just nodding your head? I want your opinion." He was acting more bossy than usual, so what if he was my conductor, he was also my boyfriend.
"I think, um, that I can go alone. This is my gig, I wont mess up this time. I promise." I was nervous as I spoke. I tried to dodge his looks as much as possible, but then he lightly forced me to look at him. His hand pushed my face upwards, forcing me to keep my head stationary.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? We could go on fancy dates together, I know how much you love to dress up." He was being softer, lighter, this is the Nicholas that I loved.
"I'm okay. I'll get this gig over with and then we can go on as many dates as you want." I beamed. He smiled lightly, then let my face go.
"Okay, okay. You persuaded me, go and buy me something while you're in Los Angeles." He groaned. I lightly pushed him and went into our bedroom. I grabbed a few gorgeous dresses, and some normal clothes. I packed all of the things I needed into a suitcase then headed towards the door.

As I was turning the door handle, I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Nicholas rested his head on my shoulder and breathed softly.
"Come on now," I turned around, "I have to go, but I'll see you when I get back. I promise. Can you wait, hm I don't know, a week? Please?" I let go of my suitcase and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was standing straight now and had his hands on my waist. He sighed.
"I guess I can wait a week. Oh, shoot! I totally forgot, we have a show in a few weeks, are you gonna make it back in time?" He stammered. Back to business, just like usual.
"Um, yeah I'll be back in time. Don't worry. I got to go, my plane leaves in a few hours, so I better get there early. I'll see you when I get back." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then started going out the door. Before I could, Nicholas grabbed onto my waist and pulled me in close. He gave me a passionate kiss, then put something into my hand.
"You almost forgot your suitcase." He breathed onto my lips. I blushed, nodded my head, then gave him a wave goodbye before I shut the door.


I was sitting down comfortably, waiting for my plane, before I heard screaming and shouting coming from a distance. Obviously, that made my head shoot up, and before I knew it, I saw a handsome man walking towards my direction. He barely gave me glance, before embracing a gorgeous women. I rolled my eyes, and put my head down, looking at the different piano notes, memorizing the sound in my head. I had practiced this piece over and over again. It was Mozart's Symphony No. 36 through No. 40. They weren't terribly hard pieces, which was perfect for me, because I could get carried away in the sound of the piano. Then I heard someone whisper, which made my ears perk up.
"Oh my gosh, Diana! That's Atticus Wright! Isn't he so hot! And look! Oh my gosh, that's Sage Lee! His fiancé! They look so perfect together!" I didn't look up to see who was saying that, but she was obviously a fan of Atticus Wright. I mean, yes, he is quite famous and he is quite attractive, but he's probably so stuck up. I mean, he's rich for crying out loud. He probably doesn't even know the struggle of being poor. I mean, I'm not poor, but I don't get money unless I get gig's or I go and perform with my orchestra band. He probably has to have a room for his money, I mean, he's probably the most searched up person in the world. I glanced up, and saw him. His jawline could probably cut diamonds, he had tan smooth skin, and his eyes they were like the Pacific Ocean. A perfect blue, with a nice tint of green, but they also looked dull. Like, he was longing for something, I just couldn't read exactly what that was. He looked down at me, and I quickly looked away. Perfect timing, because that's when the loud speaker went off in the airport.
    "Passengers coming from New York, New York and heading to Los Angeles, California, please get into the line. Gate 7 is getting ready to deport." I jumped out of my seat and got my luggage. I then went to the first class line, and went on my phone. I texted Nicholas that I was going on the plane, and that I missed him already. All of that disgusting romance stuff that nobody cares about. I glanced up from my phone and noticed Atticus was the first one in the first class line, along with his fiancé. They were going to California too? I thought on the news they were spending time together in New York for a while, before the wedding. Why were they leaving so early? Didn't they just get here? I shrugged it off, because it was none of business, and I honestly didn't care, all I care about is playing the piano and getting gigs. Oh, and of course Nicholas, but that's besides the point.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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