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smoke clouded the design studio as hatsume and you practically coughed your lungs out.

"mr. power loader is going to kill us both once he gets back!" you groaned trying to pick up the spare pieces and parts that had fell due to hatsumes little mishap.

"it was just a minor mistake, that's all! nothing we can't fix!" hatsume beamed as the smoke slowly but surely began to clear off.

"y/n! hatsume!" power loader stood in the doorway, arms crossed as he shook his head in disappointment.

you and hatsume both popped up, putting on innocent smiles. however, the acts weren't doing any justice, since the both of had soot smudges nearly all over your clothes.

"who was it this time?" power loader sighed, carefully stepping inside the studio. you exchanged nervous looks with hatsume before shrugging in response, returning back to your work.

"we'll deal with it later. right now, you both have been assigned a project to do," power loader placed two papers in front of the both of you.

"you two have each been paired with a student from class 1-A, since there's only 18 kids in class 1-B. so, i suggest that instead of burying your heads in those devices all day, you should at least exchange a few words with the person you'll be working with." power loader said.

hatsume let out a loud sudden shriek once she read her paper, eagerly waving it around. "i got paired with midoriya! i'll go find him right now!" she practically teleported out of the studio, bursting with joy.

"poor guy," you muttered before deciding to look at your own paper.


bakugou katsuki?! this has got to be a joke," you started at the printed words in disbelief as if the words would magically disappear beneath your gaze.

"well, i'm sure you two will figure something out. you have a bit of time before the due date," power loader said, keeping his attention onto the computer in front of him.

you suddenly put on your best puppy eyes and clasped your hands together. "mr. power loader, have i ever told you how you're my favorite pro hero?"


"could you please-"


"well, can i atleast-"


you sighed in defeat, snatching your paper from off the work desk. "fine, i'm gonna go cry in my dorm room now." you mumbled, waving goodbye to your teacher.

"have fun!" power loader gave you a thumbs up before returning to his work. 

the school building was nearly empty, only a few students here and there. your pace was fairly slow, you were definitely not in a rush to talk, most likely argue, with bakugou about a project you didn't even know you had until a few minutes ago.

"hey, y/n!" a feminine voice called out, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"hey yaoyorozu! what're you still doing here?" you smiled, happy to see a friendly face before being sent to your doom.

"i have a bit of tutoring with cementos at this time. but hey, did you hear about the project the classes are doing? who'd you get paired up with?" she cluelessly asked.

"uh, bakugou. i got paired with bakugou katsuki," you sent her a pained smile once she placed a hand on your shoulder.

"oh..that's...that's bad." she sweatdropped, pulling you into a hug as if it would be your last.

"well, if you're looking for him i think i saw him head into the gym. i'll be rooting for you!" momo hesitantly gave you a thumbs up before walking off.

letting out a long sigh, you figured you'd head to the washrooms first and then try to find the boy at the gym. you'd be lying if you said you weren't secretly hoping that he'd by gone by the time you got there.

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