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he was stood up against the wall, a towel draped across his shoulder as he scrolled through his phone.

you were just a step away from turning right back around but you figured that you two would have to talk sooner or later. it was practically inevitable.

sauntering towards the blonde, you were confused as to how he hadn't even noticed you yet, considering that you were now standing directly in front of him.

your lips formed into a firm line once you realized he was wearing headphones.

"um, bakugo? hellooo?" you waved your hand in front of him until his crimson eyes pierced into yours, shoving your hand away from him.

"what do you want?!" he aggressively pulled out an earphone.

"could i please have your number?" you asked slowly, as if you were asking somebody hard of hearing.

bakugo jerked his head back a bit, his cheeks fading into the slightest shade of pink. "wh- what the hell did you just say?!"

"your number? for the project?" without eye contact, you reached your phone out to him. you figured the blonde's crimson cheeks grew darker out of embarrassment as he snatched the small device out your hand, giving you his at the same time.

"i fucking ..know that," he mumbled, pressing the numbers on your screen quite harshly.

once both numbers were exchanged, there was a painfully awkward silence. unconsciously, you began clenching your jaw. it was habit you desperately wanted to get rid of since it kind of gave away how you were feeling in the given moment, but it was obviously easier said than done.

"meet me here at 3:30 tomorrow. don't be late." bakugo said, walking away before you could ask him anything.

'at least he's taking some initiative ' you thought, walking back to your dorm.



hitting your head on a low shelf in the process. 

"anybody in there?" a familiar voice called out from the other side of the door, planting a feeling of panic inside your stomach.

"ow! uh, i'll be right there!" you yelled, trying to wipe off the many dark smears on your face, probably making it worse than it already was.

once you opened the door, a wide smile formed across your lips. "eijiro! did you need something?" you asked, feeling your stomach twist at the sight of the boys bright smile.

"i do actually, i hope i'm not disrupting anything." he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"of course you aren't! what did you need?" you asked.

"since you're like crazy smart, i was hoping if you could maybe help me with a math lesson mr. ectoplasm is teaching us? i'm, like, really confused on it." kirishima let out a nervous laugh before focusing his ruby eyes to the floor.

"sure i will ei'! when do you want to get started?" you asked, smiling at kirishima's request for help. 

"i was hoping we could start today! o-only if you can though!" he stumbled over his words, a faint flush across his cheeks. 

"okay, i'll just go clean myself up a bit. i'll be sure to call you when i'm ready though!" you said bye to the redhead, doing whatever you could to stop yourself from entering a frenzy of excitement once you turned around.

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