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your legs propped up onto sero's lap as he and kaminari bickered about something having to do with water brands.

beside you, was uraraka and hatsume who were currently talking your ear off. every now and then you'd feign a nod of interest, however, your attention was fixed onto kirishima who was busy playing ball in the pool.

you knew he didn't feel anything for you, but you couldn't help the false hope that would spin around in your stomach every so often. according to mina, he hasn't been very upfront about making his feelings known anyway. maybe he'd given up?

you sipped on the drink in your hand, slightly tilting your head, eyeing the way his muscles rippled with every throw of the football.

you found sudden interest in the contents of your cup as you realized kirishima was making his way over to the cooler beside you.

"hey, y/n! nice bathing suit." he casually spoke, grabbing a soda can before crouching down beside you.

your body prickled with heat at the compliment, yet you were filled to the brim with confusion, "thanks." you briefly smiled.

"got any idea where mina went off to?" he questioned, staring at you with almost pleading eyes.

you didn't bother hiding the slump of your shoulders this time, "none at all." you lied, sluggishly sipping on your drink. you forced yourself from off your seat before you could be stilled by his look of disappointment.

the sharp air conditioned air painted goosebumps onto your skin the minute you walked in. surprisingly, inside was just as crowded as outside. a cacophony of conversation and laughter nearly overlapped the loud music that played in the background.

making a sharp turn to the kitchen, you paused at the sight of a seemingly intimate moment between a girl and a boy she stood in front of, blocking the view so that only his arms were visible. his arms were leaned lazily against the counter as he shifted the unknown girl from between his legs, a tuft of ash blonde hair coming into view with his movements.

you swallowed your gasp, having a strong intuition of who was behind the unknown girl. you knew it wasn't your place to be eavesdropping on anybody, whether you knew them or not. however, you couldn't help the surge of intrigue. if it did happen to be the same rowdy boy who claimed crushes were a waste of time, you definitely wanted in on this secret person.

keeping a subtle eye on the two, you opened the fridge in front of you, pretending to be busy scavenging for food.

you arched an eyebrow as you managed to catch a few hushed whispers and a stern spew of curses you were sure was said by the hidden blonde. now so focused on straining your ears, you unawarely picked up a tomato, feeling it as if it held some sort of value.

with a agitated sigh and a few last words, the girl sped from the small space. you almost instantly began whistling whilst inspecting the tomato in your hand. after several seconds later, you finally looked up in fake shock.

"wow, i am so glad you decided to come! i didn't even see you- were you always sitting there?" you squinted your eyes in feigned confusion.

"enjoying your tomato?" bakugo grunted, gulping down the remnants of the red cup in his hand.

your lips opened shortly before they were brought into a firm line. you didn't feel like thinking up any false excuses. you sighed, placing the tomato in the fridge and then sitting atop the island across from bakugo.

"i thought you said crushes were a 'waste of time'?" you brought your voice down to a mockingly low tone.

"i did. they are." bakugo shrugged.

"i dunno, you seemed to be pretty close with that girl. who was she, by the way?" you asked, a teasing glint shone through your narrowed eyes.

"nobody important." bakugo continued with his cut responses, only fueling your curiosity. but instead of pushing the topic even further than you had, you decided to move onto something else. you figured you'd get it out of him sooner or later.

"well, anyway, i'm gonna head back outside. you wanna come with?" you offered, hopping off of the marble island.

"i'll pass." bakugo was now leaned back onto the counter behind him, swishing around the small bit of liquid left in his cup.

you quirked an eyebrow, "really? you've been cooped up in here like some vampire, c'mon." to bakugo's surprise, you grabbed his forearm, practically dragging him to the backyard entrance. he thought to pull away but it was as if his muscles had conked out from shock. and before he was even able to do anything, the sun's bright beams were already shining down onto his forehead.

"look who decided to show up!" kaminari shouted from the pool, sending him an excited smile.

bakugo let out an annoyed sigh as everyone turned his way, shocked smiles upon their faces. and looking over, he even saw your lips turnt up into something of a small grin.

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