Chapter 1

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I hop out of the car and take a good look at our new house. I breath in the new air and walk to get my suitcase from the trunk. A few of the neighbors come out to help my mom and dad with the boxes. I open the door to reveal a dark empty house. I find my room and set the suitcase down in the middle of the room. I sigh, missing my old room. I quickly run down the stairs to go get some other boxes and I see a girl carrying a ton of boxes. Im shocked. How can she even carry that many? I can barely carry 2 at a time. She sets the boxes down in the kitchen and and I come back into the house trying my best to carry 2 boxes. I want to make as few trips up the stairs as possible. As I reach the first step, I trip and the top box slides off. "Ughh," I groan. I gently set the bottom box on the ground so I can put the top box back on top. I pick both of the boxes back up and get ready to take my next step as I hear a voice.
"Need help," A girl says. Her voice is a bit deeper.
"Nope," I reply with a heavy breath.
"You sure?" She says as I take my third step and struggle with the fourth.
"So sure," I say trying to stop the boxes from falling. It falls. I watch it as it tumbles down a step or two. I set the other one down and take a deep breath. The girl comes up and picks the two boxes up with ease.
"Where do these go?" She asks.
"I'll show you," I say leading her up to my room. "You can put them wherever," I say. She places the boxes on the ground.
"Anymore you need help with?"
"A few more," We go downstairs and she grabs the remaining 4 boxes that are mine and brings them up to my room. "Thanks," I say.
"How can you carry so many boxes?"
"My gift,"
"Your what?"
"In my family, we all have a gift. Except Mirabel. Anyways, I have strength,"
"I'm Luisa," she says.
"I'm Y/n,"
"I figured. The boxes have your name on them,"
"Haha. You should come to my cousins gift ceremony tonight,"
"What's that?"
"In my family, we get our gift at a certain age. Tonight, he gets his gift. The whole town is invited. You should come,"
"I'll think about it,"
"Anyways, I gotta go help my family set up for it. I'm pretty sure your family got everything inside with the help of the neighbors,"
"Alright, bye," I say as she waves. I go downstairs to help my mom and dad set up some stuff.
"The neighbors are nice. Aren't they?" My mom asks me.
"Yea. Especially Luisa. She helped me with the rest of my boxes." I say. "She also invited me to her cousin's gift ceremony. Can I go?" I ask.
"I don't know, we already have so much to do,"
"Please. I wanna see it,"
"Thanks mom,"
"Can you go get us some food? I can give you a list of what we need," she asks.
"Yea. Just let me go get dressed," I say. I run upstairs and put on jeans and a t-shirt. I run back stairs and my mom hands me the list.
"Bye mom,"
"Bye. Make sure you get the apples that aren't bruised!" She says and I'm walking away from the house.

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