"Is she mine" re write

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Okay this is a re write cause I hated all the spelling errors of the first one

Tom's P.O.V
I slowly woke up to hear my baby Luna crying. She was only five weeks old, and I don't know how I managed to get out of the hospital before Tord got to London, but however I did it I won't even question. Anyways, Luna had a Honey orange brown hair, also two little horns like Tord which I found adorable, with black eyes and purple pupils, and the cutest thing ever about her was that she had pastel purple and blue monster traits from me. Her tail was fluffy and same thing with her ears. She was just the cutest thing ever. At least I can thank Tord for that.
Anyways, I quickly got and grabbed my robbed as I quickly and quietly walked over to my closet. I couldn't afford to buy two separate rooms for the both of us. Either way I feel more comfortable with this. I then slowly grabbed Luna and cradled her in my arms as we went to the kitchen. When we got in the kitchen I looked at the time on the oven. '1:00... wow...' I said in my mind as I sighed. I then sit Luna down in her baby chair and look for a formula because she tends to bite me and it hurts a lot since she grew her teeth faster than normal. I guess she also gets that from me as well. I finally found the baby formula and put it in water then put in in a pot with more water in it.
As I wait for it to boil I walk into the living room and turn on the television and put it on the news as I walked over and gave Luna my phone so she could watch coco melon or whatever kids are into now and days. I watch the news and take the bottle off of the pot at the same time. I then put some on my wrist and luckily it was just right. I then grab Luna taking her lovely coco melon away from her. I then lift her head up slightly while cradling her and feeding her the bottle. A couple minutes later she looked really tired and it was 1:27. So, I walk back into the room and put her back in her crib. I then kissed her on the forehead and closed the door quietly.
I then sighed and walked back to the living room. 'Well I guess since I'm already up I might as well stay up longer' I thought as I sat down on the couch still watching the news.

ABC Nutella
Everyone lock your doors!
Red leader is coming and he's coming for-!

Sly Fox Knows
This might be the end of freedom for London today...

*Channel changes and turns off*

'Ugh Tord...you and your childish bullshit...' I sometimes wish he could just knock it the fuck off and be an adult for once in his life. But apart of me thinks about Lunas safety and if she'll get taken from me...so I got up and lock my door. I was about to go sit down on the couch and turn back on the T.V but I heard some FUCKING GUNSHOTS ACROSS AND DOWNSTAIRS AWAY FROM ME. 'SHIT-.' He couldn't have found me right...!? I then here footsteps walked so close to my door. At this point I'm freaking out and was about to run through the hallway to get Luna but then...

They broke down my door

I quickly turn around and see Tord standing there with a smug grin on his god damn face. I snapped out of my thoughts going back to Luna to see his soldier right in front of me and he just straight up grabbed me. "Hey tommi~ it's been a while~" he said as his accent was deeper than ever. "Yea...I preferred it that way..." I said obviously pissed off as the guard made me turn around and on my knees. "Aww I missed this~ you see I wanted to meet differently but I thought you might run away-" Tord was then cut off buy Luna who was crying across from me. I started to panic as he said confused for the guard to hold me there. I didn't want to scream but I really wanted to burst out crying as he went to the other room.


Tord's P.O.V
I'm walking over to the sound of crying for some reason and I don't know why I was doing that but it just caught me off guard I guess. I then walk in front of the door only to figure out that it was lock. 'Dammit Tom..' I then kick the door open and walked inside closing the door behind me. I then look around surprised that it doesn't reek of alcohol and that it was clean as fuck. I then follow the crying leading into the direction of the closet. I slowly open the closet and see a baby crying. I was panicking because I didn't know what to do so I just thought of a cliche move from a movie and picked her up slowly and cradled her in my arms. She almost looked like me and Tom with the monster form and tiny little horns. I chuckle at that and start to calm her down a bit.
When she was calmed enough I saw her full on eyes and it looked like Toms...? I was getting to into this but I didn't care I just walked around and looked for more information and files about her. Luckily for me I found one. I opened her file and was shocked, happy, and pissed off that Thomas didn't tell me earlier...

Luna Alison Larson
Born: December 25th, 2029
Time of birth: 3:00am
Gender: Female
Mother: Tamara Rosewella
Father: Tord Larson
I wish you were here Tord.

Said at the bottom of the paper and me attempting not to cry fail immediately I just ended up breaking down. I the here giggles in my human arm and said, "Guess you're mine." I said smiling I then got it together and placed down the file on Toms- Tamaras...bed. I then started to play with little bean. I stopped playing with her for a couple of minutes because she was getting sleepy so I looked at the door and walked to it holding my child. The men turned around while Tamara was on her knees with her head down and tears falling down her cheek.
The men seemed surprised about me holding the child and I quickly glared at them to leave and to let her go. The understood and left quickly leaving me alone with Tammi. 'Heh...guess I'm calling her Tammi from now on." I chuckled slightly. "What are you chuckling for..." she sounded dead inside. "So, is she mine...?" I waited for an answer but I got none so I walked over to her room and put Luna to bed and shut the door on the way out. I put her in there cause I did t want to have a fight with her around and sleeping. "So. Are you just going to sit there or are you going to answer my fucking question?!"
I didn't mean to sound irritated but she hid OUR child from me so I was pretty pissed and not in the mood for jokes or lies. I then sigh and put my hand on my forehead. I then calm down and she that she had nodded. At this point all I was feeling was angry but pity. "Well...? Why didn't you tell me" I said while bending down to tams height. That got uncomfortable quickly so I just sat down waiting for an answer. "Well...?" I got a heavy sigh and an answer that made my heart break, "Well because you're doing this CHILDISH BULLSHIT AND YOU NEVER HAD TIME FOR ME IN THE FIRST PLACE SO WHY WOULD I TELL YOU ABOUT HER?! ANSWER ME THAT DUMBASS!" I was hesitant then I just pulled her closer to me for a hug.
She rejected at first but soon hugged back crying knowing that we both needed it and that she was stressed out. "I promise that it'll be better min kjærlighet." I said in a calming voice. That she soon got used to. "P-Promise...?" "Promise." I was happy that she accepted my apology...hell we could actually be a family for once. I got up helping her up and walking to the room. When we walked into the room we saw our happy little sunshine awake and smiling. "By the way why the fuck did you pick Luna?!" I asked in confusion. Tam wasn't fond of the name like at all. "Why did you decide to name our cat kitten?" She replied. "I- have nothing to say to that..."


Luna's P.O.V young
'The fuck did he say about my name?!'

Luna's P.O.V (in the red army as a trainer and is now 22)
"So that's how my parents met." I said closing my locker and walking home. "OH THAT'S SO COOL!" Mia said to me. "So I'm assuming you know Norwegian?" I then leg sweeper her and caught her before she fell and said in a sexual tone, "Я знаю и русских, и норвежских гуннов ~" I then put her back up and kept walking home leaving her stunned.

Translation: "I know both Russian and Norwegian hun~"

~Words: 1603~

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