on a fishing trip.

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my power rangers jungle fury story which I hope that you are all enjoying as much as I am writing it and as I am writing it I am begining to think about how much work I have put into these chapters in advance instead of the story's that are available then I might have even finished one or maybe even two of them but no point thinking about it now is there since I'm not going to delete this or the other stories I have worked hard on. So before we get to the question of the day and I wanted to mention that this chapter takes place during the seventh episode so just to know what's going on at this time. Now for the question of the day and that is what do you guy think about Camille, since this was an episode where she got a bit of development? Personally remember as a kid I wasn't that much of a fan of her but now I find it quite interesting to watch as an adult. Now with that said please let me know what you guy think of her and let's get on with the story shall we.


I walked down the path dad's house where me, dad, Lunick, and Master Saw, were all going to go fishing, RJ, is also going on a fishing trip if his own, instead of catching fish he plans disturb the fish so they don't get caught. Soon I saw dad start to come in sight coming out of his shack wearing casual cloths, holding a cooling box that we were to keep the fish in and with him was master Saw.

Y/n:"am I the last one to arrive!?"

Both of them turned to look at me with dad smiling at the sight of me as I don't get to see him very often these days. As I got closer I opened up my arms to give him a hug which he returned, I was wary of my fishing rod since I didn't want to hit him. When we separated I looked at master saw extending my hand our for a hand shake.

Y/n:"so is Lunick, here yet."

Saw:"yes y/n, I have him making sure that the boat will be ready for us to start fishing."

I nodded and looked at dad.

Y/n:"so how have you been dad, it's been a while."

Finn:"I'm good y/n, how have you been?"

Y/n:"I've been doing good dad, wish I could have come to visit sooner. RJ, is doing good too."

Dad, nodded, so he and RJ, still don't seem to be on good terms.

Saw:"and have you told him about you know what?"

I shook my head side to side as dad seemed a bit curious.

Y/n:"well, Dai Shi, has returned to start a second beast war."

Dad, looked shocked when he heard this.

Finn:"what happened to master Mao?"

Y/n:"from what I gathered, a boy called Jared, seemed to have been kicked out of there academy and that resulted in Jared, attacking master Mao, inadvertently freeing Dai Shi."

Dad nodded when I told him the story that I had gathered from the rangers thought I'm not to sure if they are telling the whole story.

Lunick:"it's ready!"

I turned around to see Lunick, dressed like he was going to the beach but we were really going in just a fishing trip.

Y/n:"good to see captain Lunick!"

Lunick, then walked up the rocks to us while giving me a wave.

Lunick:"well I may be a mechanic but I can work a wooden boat with a bit of difficulty."

He then reached us and the two of us gave eachother a hug before separating.

Saw:"so long as we don't sink into the sea then I won't complain."

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