The Forest Walk

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A soft breeze flew past Pumpkin Pie Cookie as soon as she stepped on the first forest leaf. " Oh, Poison Mushroom Cookie! " She yelled for what felt like hours. Eventually, she was too tired and sat on a log. She then saw Fig Cookie passing by! " Fig Cookie! " Pumpkin Pie Cookie yelled. " Oh! 'Ello! " Yelled back Fig Cookie. " Have you seen Poison Mushroom Cookie!? " " Yep! He's right here on my back! " " Oh! Well, Poison Mushroom Cookie! Remember to get the Jelly Deluxe Pizza for the party tonight, ok!? " Pumpkin Pie Cookie yelled to Poison Mushroom. " Ohh.. yeah.. I will! I might need some help though... " After Poison Mushroom Cookie finished his sentence, Fig Cookie ran off to return Poison Mushroom Cookie back at the kingdom safe and sound. Pumpkin Pie followed Fig Cookie out and returned to the kingdom. It was time for her walk!

Cookie Run - A day in the life of Pumpkin Pie CookieWhere stories live. Discover now