Pumpkins Daily Walk

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Pompon seemed to be full of excitement as they started to walk along a trail. No matter how many times they did this, every day, it never seemed to get boring. Pumpkin Pie Cookies life was perfect. The sun was at a perfect angle to where it was not shining in her eyes, but it's warm presence was still there. " Wow, this day is perfect Pompon! It'll be a great night for the party aswell, yes? " Pompon nods in excitement. That night, Pompon was taking the role of ' Chip-Eater! '. Pumpkin Pie Cookie thought that Pompon was genius( Even though Pompon just wanted to eat chips ). About 20 minutes had passed, and they arrived at Mrs. Bear Jelly's Fortune Teller Parasol Party!

Cookie Run - A day in the life of Pumpkin Pie CookieWhere stories live. Discover now