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POV Oikawa

"Oikawa-san, are you sure about this?"

"Are you not, my dear Shoyo? We need to act fast if we want to stop this non-sense. Could you imagine what a suppressor of emotions could do?"

Atsumu came with the news like a drunk spitting on the floor. He rather was, actually. Omicron has been able to abolish people's hunger, cold, pain. Now they want to forget emotions. Even I, worldly wanted criminal, can understand that is a step too far. That is a genocide. A way to murder every immortal, created by destiny and not a choice, like me, to eradicate the last piece of nature in ourselves.

Hinata and I get in through a beam of light, a powerful x-ray so that no weapons can be introduced. Hinata's legs do not count since they are prosthetics. In any case, does are menaces due to how the kid uses them, not any weird modification capable of chopping off their head. He is able of it without any shitty technology.

"There's a fancy elevator in the room to your left it's also full of security. Better if you take the normal steps to the second floor and then the elevators hidden behind the bathroom," Nishinoya says through the little communicator in our ears. It is a powerful x-ray but not a useful one after all.

I see Kiyoko behind her desk, too focused on working to notice us. Some business people here, some investors there and we look nice in our suits. Calm and collected. We get a couple of weird looks from those who notice we go up by the stairs instead of the usual elevator. Still, nobody cares enough to get close to us.

Hinata jumps upstairs and gets first. The second floor is empty, full of the noise of the machines behind metal walls. A loud explosion is followed by what seems like hundreds of voices shouting for freedom or whatever they ask for today, I am not updated on the popular demands. It almost stops my partner for a second, but I grab him by the arm and we run to the elevator following Nishinoya's instructions, not taking a break.

"Congratulations," Noya announces back in the silence, "you are in. It'll take you 58 seconds to reach the top so sit back and enjoy. Please keep arms, legs, and remaining extremities inside the ride at all times."

Hinata laughs. He looks happy to help and have an active role in this mission, even when he knows this is not an actual mission. When Noya protests, wanting control back, his voice becomes just a blunt echo. He tenses up. Osamu gets the mike, and honestly, an enemy attack would be more comforting right now.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS? Tooru is not the fucking moment. You can't do this to all of us."

"Oh, but Atsumu can?"

"What's wrong with Atsumu?"

"Osamu, please, get it together. He is a traitor. You've seen how paranoid he acts, how he avoids all our questions and plays mind-fucking twisted games. And he's not sorry. I don't know what the fuck it is, but he feels guilty, and he's not going to change it. Osamu, believe his little white lies. I'm not buying it."

"Oikawa, what are you even trying to do?" Osamu asks, and I am aware he avoids questions like his brother.

"Just 8 more seconds" Hinata whispers. Therefore, I take off the communicator and step on it. Now that I am in here, I do not care how I will go out, can be in pieces or a police car.

The door opens with a soft ting.

"Let's go."

We run together outside, just in time to bump into Iwa's arms.

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