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"How do you think is going to be? From now on?" I ask to my father. He knew what I was talking about. There was no talk of anything else. Magic on the TV, magic on the YouTube, magic on the journals, magic on the school... Magic was in all our conversations. Everyone talked about the greatest discover of humankind.

"I don't know, Catelyn. But I think a lot is going to change. And maybe for good." He answers, his eyes fixed in some distant point.

That was what everyone thought. It turns out we had never been so wrong.

Around me there was fire burning the trees, covering the ground, lighting up the night.

"Fuck." The word comes out as I realize that's going to call the attention of more unwanted visitors. I catch my knife from the ground and go to grab my backpack, putting one of the straps over my shoulder. I'm split between getting out of here fast or silently, but I end up just running on the opposite direction of my previous fire pit.

I was starting to think I would actually get out of these woods without any more problems, when a supernatural strength pushes me to the side, and I go flying against the tree. The side of my head hits the trunk and, for a moment, all I can see is a white light.

My vision becomes gradually better, and through the remaining bright stain I can spot a tall black body, flanked by other three, standing in front of me. My eyes wide, I try to stand up and run but my legs fail me, and I'm sent to the ground again, my head pounding and a hot liquid running down my temple.

The closest Soul Eater dives in my direction, his claw raised in the air, looking like death itself. The others remain still, observing.

Then, I feel his cold hand around my neck, lifting my body up against the tree until only my tiptoes touch the ground. His other claw prepares to sink into my heart and drain my soul out.

This is it, my mind says, this is the end, Catelyn.

But I refused to think that way.

I press my hands into his face, digging my fingers on it, and calling fire to me. The monster cries in pain when strings of smoke come from between my palms and his skin, which had now the color of burning iron. He lets go of me, but I continue to burn him as he walks backwards. His face melts and his body thumbs to the ground, lifeless.

Two of the other Soul Eaters run towards me. I project spears of fire to their chests. One of them dies without even having time to scream, but the other dodges from it, his feet smashing the ground hard with each step, coming at where I stand. He passes through me, hitting my chest and sending me down. Pain shots in my head again and I close my eyes at the ringing in my ears. Yet, still not defeated, I get up with a quick impulse and turn to the shadow man. A ball of fire strikes him in the head and he, not expecting it, dies.

I sigh when his body vanishes, letting out a little relieved laugh. But then a sharp black claw appears in my sight and I'm not quick enough to avoid it. It tears through my jeans and the skin of my tight.

I scream in agony as a hot, dark red fluid spurts from the wound. My hand goes directly to it, and I look, with tears stinging my eyes, how it comes red and wet with blood.

The fourth Soul Eater, the one I had forgotten about, stands a few meters in front of me, probably laughing at my carelessness. He attacks again, claiming for more blood, this time making a deep cut in my arm. A cry escapes from my lips.

Before he comes for a third strike, I send flames against him, bright and lit serpents, but I don't stay to watch what happens. Instead, I run as fast as possible from him, limping like a scared injured animal. Exactly what I am right now.

I run between the trees, the sun starting to lighten the woods. My breath comes hard and fast, but I don't slow down.

And then I have a glint of the edge of these endless woods and the road, and I try to fasten my pace. However, my body collides with another, and I fall to the ground, trying to grab myself to the arm of whoever the other person was in vain.

"What the..." I hear a boy's voice say, although I cannot see him. I try to get up, but all the strength that was left in my body vanishes, and I let myself drop to the ground.

The blood from my head wound drips to my mouth, letting its metallic taste mix with the dirt that climbed my lips. The ringing in my ears grows louder and the only thing I can hear apart from it is my heartbeat. Slow and irregular. Tired.

At the moment, I don't care about anything. Not even about the boy standing next to me. I just want the pain to stop. I want to rest, not having anything to worry about.

And, obeying to my wishes, darkness welcomes me.

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