Chapter 10 : Teach Me

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Jackson didn't approach him for three days afterwards. Lay guessed that this could be considered a so-called cold war period. He didn't take the initiative to make peace and he was indifferent over whether the relationship was completely broken off. In any case, his good impression of the other boy was ruined by the other in the first place. In addition, the anniversary of the school's founding was coming up and all the students were busy preparing for the show and the subsequent dance, and he was no exception.

Two years ago, Lay had been banned from attending the dance because he had caused a lot of problems and he hadn't been allowed to participate in any campus activities. Last year, he did participate, but his clumsy dancing was captured on video and spread among the University student body. He didn't want to go through that kind of humiliation a second time again.

On the weekend, Lay went home. His home was far from school and his dad often traveled away from home, so he usually only returned once every two to three weeks.

Suho, acting like a parent sending his child off on a distant journey, cut fruit for him and told him to eat it on the road after two hours.

Lay was dumbfounded. He frowned and stuffed the largest pieces of honeydew melon into suho's mouth, reducing the weight of the container, and took the rest along.

As soon as he arrived home, Lay was the recipient of his dad's gentle "interrogation".

"Baobei, do you like an alpha at school? If so, then hurry up and become partners."

This pet name was a bit sickening to lay, who was in his early twenties. Once when he was speaking with his dad, chanyeol heard to it. Since then, the guy had been jokingly calling him "Xing Bao", no matter how many times he beat him up.

"Dad, don't worry about me, I know how to act properly."

Lay's family was a single-parent family. His alpha father had cheated and run away with another omega before he was born, so it was his dad who'd raised him alone.

Although his dad was very hardworking, he was still a weak omega by nature. By raising a child alone, he'd suffered a lot of hardship. Lay had watched him from a very young age and secretly made up his mind to be the one to protect his daddy. When other omegas were being raised in pampered and spoiled environments, he'd already been sweating in the gym with other alphas and betas.

He'd had to put in even more effort, more strength, than the others in order to break through his physical limitations and become an omega who could carry the responsibility of being the pillar of the household.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the absence of an alpha father that it was so difficult for lay to trust alphas, which was one of the reasons he'd never been able to find a favorite partner.

Mr Zhang was still very worried and brought the issue up during dinner, "If needed, I can ask if there are any new delaying suppressants."

Mr Zhang was engaged in scientific research and had become acquaintances with some physicians who were studying suppressants, but Lay immediately put an end to his unrealistic thoughts, "If there are, they would've been on the market long ago. If they're still in the research stage before release, I won't risk using it."

Mr Zhang knew these words were reasonable and sighed helplessly, "I don't want you to have no choice when the times comes, having to find some random person passing by, just like me."

"Rest assured, Dad," lay consoled him, "A heat doesn't necessarily require a permanent mark, I can look for a mate afterwards."

"So you say, but......"

Lay understood what his dad was hinting at. Although a heat could be satisfied with a temporary mark, sex was still a necessity. Once an alpha released the strong pheromones to suppress the omega, even if they were unwilling, they would have no other choice but to go along with the alpha.

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